Men in South Korea who wish to marry a foreign woman are now required to enroll in courses designed to teach them how to be a good husband to a non-Korean bride, reports the Christian Science Monitor . The mandatory lessons come on the heels of a surge in failed marriages…
Continue reading …90210′s claim to fame extends beyond Tori Spelling and Shannen Doherty. The zip code is also one of the five priciest in America . With the help of Altos Research, Forbes crunched 20,000 zip codes’ worth of real estate listings to zero in on the poshest geographic areas in the…
Continue reading …A first in the Catholic Church’s priestly sex scandals: A bishop in Kansas City has been charged with failing to report child abuse after lewd images of young girls were found on a priest’s laptop, reports the Kansas City Star . A county grand jury also charged the diocese he leads…
Continue reading …President Obama is sending about 100 US troops to central Africa to help track down Joseph Kony, the head of the Lord’s Resistance Army, he told Congress today. Obama said that LRA “has murdered, raped, and kidnapped tens of thousands of men, women and children in central Africa,” and that…
Continue reading …Here’s a quick way to cut government spending: Stop making one-dollar bills. Switching to coins could save us some $5.5 billion over 30 years, write the editors of the Los Angeles Times . That’s the lifespan of a coin, while a paper dollar lasts only 3 years. Want to save…
Continue reading …The market for London’s most luxurious homes is skyrocketing as foreign buyers, seeking safe investments, swoop in to purchase the city’s priciest residences. Sales of properties worth more than $8 million spiked 31% to a record 262 in the past year, reports Businessweek . House-hunters hailing from the Middle East, North…
Continue reading …The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals issued an injunction today blocking two key provisions of Alabama’s controversial immigration law : the one requiring immigrants to carry special alien registration cards, and another forcing schools to check the immigration status of enrolling students. The court said the legal challenges against those provisions…
Continue reading …The Occupy Wall Street protesters say they are the 99%—and now members of the other 1% are coming to their aid. A new Tumblr blog called “We Are the 1 Percent” features statements of support from people who say their wealth has made their lives easy. “I haven’t worked…
Continue reading …Elizabeth Snyder says she did nothing wrong by refusing to call on a stuttering student, calling herself the “victim of a character assassination.” Snyder, a professor at a New Jersey community college, tells the New York Times that she’s “gotten the most hateful, vile, vicious emails” since it ran a…
Continue reading …Melting ice caps, unpredictable weather, and … no more coffee? Starbucks says climate change could put your morning joe in jeopardy. Global warming creates “a potentially significant risk to our supply chain, which is the Arabica coffee bean,” the company’s sustainability director tells the Guardian . Coffee farmers are already grappling with…
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