Well, lookie here, a couple of little firmware files have wandered into our midst. Panasonic gets credit for the most interesting with its 1.11 update for the DMC-G2 , offering a “performance enhancement,” an improved AE lock that holds even when using the touch shutter, and support for the new H-FT012 lens we recently played with — the one that adds a third dimension to your otherwise 2D shooter. Pentax , meanwhile, has a 1.01 update for its K-5 that will let you capture 20 images in a burst, which a lot more than the eight it can grab currently. Then there’s “improved stability for general performance such as exposure range on HyP mode,” which sounds awful nice too. Both are available now, so mosey those SD cards on over and click on through. Panasonic and Pentax pack a pair of pickled firmware updates, DMC-G2 gets 3D, K-5 better bursting originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 18 Nov 2010 09:05:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds . Permalink
Continue reading …To say the Grippity has been a long time in coming would be an understatement. The quirky keypad that stashes the buttons around back seemed to have all but vaporized into thin air after showing some early promise, but hey, it’s back now! Back with a vengeance, which in this case means pre-order availability on its eponymous site at $60 a pop. Mind you, the earliest deliveries are scheduled for February, so we do hope you have enough to distract you while waiting through this holiday season. January should be nice and fun, though, as we’re sure the Grippity guys will find a way to hit up our CES 2011 trailer for another hands-on opportunity with this trackball-equipped peripheral — which is now billing itself as the ideal media center controller. We’ll let you know how well the Grippity plays that role as soon as we can. Continue reading Grippity 1 back-typing keyboard finally up for pre-order, asks for $60 and your patience Grippity 1 back-typing keyboard finally up for pre-order, asks for $60 and your patience originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 18 Nov 2010 08:33:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds . Permalink
Continue reading …You know tablets have officially become a mainstream craze when even the reserved, serious types over at the Financial Times start splashing subsidies around to stimulate their ownership. We’ve just heard that a $480 purse of gold coins will be extended to any FT workers who decide to purchase an iPad or another tablet between now and the end of June 2011, reportedly in an effort to help the paper’s staff become “expert and experienced in using them.” We already knew the FT , which happens to have its own iPad and Galaxy Tab apps, saw slate devices as an important piece of the puzzle that is our future, and this move cements that attitude in place. Paper’s dead, long live electronics-filled plastic. FT subsidizes employee iPads, wants them to keep up with the times originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 18 Nov 2010 07:57:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds . Permalink
Continue reading …Your Apple TVs and your Google TVs hold a lot of potential, but their limited access to content freely available to any ‘ol PC and Mac is what you’d call a bit of a problem. The latest product from Orb fixes that by being a simple media streamer, relying on a computer elsewhere on the network to pull that content locally before turning around and pumping it back out to the company’s new Orb TV coaster, which in turn displays it on your actual TV. Since the content is hitting the computer first (the “Orb Caster”) Hulu is available on-tap, but somewhere along the way support for HD video quality goes out the window: this thing maxes out at VGA. Sure, you can already do this with your TVersity’s and the like , but the Orb TV is a lot smaller than your average media extender hardware, has a very handy remote control app for the iPhone (Android coming soon), and kindly will support multiple Orb devices on the same network. Best of all? It’s shipping right now, so make with the clicking and get your Gleek on. Orb TV is the $99 video streamer that will do Netflix and Hulu, but not HD originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 18 Nov 2010 07:06:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds . Permalink
Continue reading …No thanks. ViewSonic’s trade-in program: send in your laptop for a ViewPad discount originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 18 Nov 2010 06:41:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds . Permalink
Continue reading …Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak , has never been one to mince words. Today’s no different as demonstrated in an interview with the Dutch-language De Telegraaf newspaper in The Netherlands. The first revelation is an admission that Apple had collaborated with a well-known Japanese consumer electronics company in 2004 to develop a phone that was ahead of its time. Woz is quoted as saying that while Apple was content with the quality, it “wanted something that could amaze the world.” Obviously, the phone was shelved until Apple announced the iPhone in January 2007. Woz then moved on to the topic of Android saying that Android smartphones, not the iPhone, would become dominant, noting that the Google OS is likely to win the race similarly to the way that Windows ultimately dominated the PC world. Woz stressed that the iPhone, “Has very few weak points. There aren’t any real complaints and problems. In terms of quality, the iPhone is leading.” However, he then conceded that, “Android phones have more features,” and offer more choice for more people. Eventually, he thinks that Android quality, consistency, and user satisfaction will match iOS. Steve closed the interview with a jab at Nokia calling it, “the brand from a previous generation” suggesting that the boys from Finland should introduce a new brand for a young consumer. Hmm, so we guess he’ll be in line for the launch of the MeeGo-based N9 then? [Thanks, Nguyen T.] Steve Wozniak: Android will be the dominant smartphone platform originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 18 Nov 2010 06:04:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds . Permalink
Continue reading …Netbooks might no longer be the sexy must-have accessory they once were, but maybe having Jolicloud’s custom Linux-based OS on board will sway people to give this one a second look. Yes, the Jolibook that we so recently saw for the first time is about to make its retail debut, with the UK getting the first opportunity to spill some cash on it. Netbook News reports the precise levy will be
Continue reading …If there’s one benefit to living in the technological backwater that is Europe, it’s that “innovations” like iAds take a little longer to filter though — but filter through they eventually do, as evidenced by Apple’s announcement that its mobile advertising platform is hitting the Old World this December. French and British iOS users will get to enjoy being pestered by L’Oreal, Renault, Louis Vuitton, Nespresso, Perrier, and Unilever next month, while their German counterparts will have their lives enriched in January. This follows on the heels of news that iAds is headed to Japan in early 2011 as well, covering the biggest developed markets with glorious promotional material. Advertisers don’t seem to be shying away from the platform, either, as Apple boasts it has signed up half of the top 25 US ad buyers (as judged by Ad Age). Full press release follows after the break. Continue reading Apple bringing iAds to Europe in December, nobody rejoices Apple bringing iAds to Europe in December, nobody rejoices originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 18 Nov 2010 04:35:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds . Permalink
Continue reading …Get your SIMs ready, dear readers, for the unlocked GSM Pre 2 has made its promised debut on HP’s online outlet. In spite of looking all too similar to its predecessors , this 1GHz device is still the best (read: only) option for getting your webOS 2.0 action going, so if you simply must have that experience on your smartphone, it’s a no-brainer of a decision. HP will ship it to you in exchange for $450 and if all goes to plan, you could be swiping cards off your home screen in buttery smooth fashion by this time tomorrow. [Thanks, Michael] Palm Pre 2 available unlocked from HP for $450, ships within 24 hours originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 18 Nov 2010 04:14:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds . Permalink
Continue reading …We were undeniably excited about Netflix coming to the iPhone and iPad , but according to CEO Reed Hastings — who spoke on the subject during a Web 2.0 Summit panel discussion — that move has actually had little impact on the company’s business. In his mind, these results indicate that consumers just aren’t interested in streaming long-form video on mobile devices and instead prefer the experience on bigger screens. To support his conclusion, Hastings cited how Netflix integration on the Xbox 360 , PS3 , and Mac significantly grew its subscriber base. While we personally disagree with his judgment on mobile and grant him honorary captain obvious credentials for his bigger screen preference remarks, we’ll still entertain the possibility that Hastings may know somethings we don’t. That’s not to say the phrase correlation does not imply causation isn’t tickling the back our throat though. But what about you, reader? Are you taking advantage of the little red app on your Apple portable devices or even on your new Windows Phone 7 handset ? Hit the poll to tell us what’s up. View Poll Netflix CEO says consumers just aren’t interested in long-form video on portable devices originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 18 Nov 2010 04:03:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds . Permalink
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