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Tom Brokaw Pretends President Obama Hasn’t Spent the Last Two Years Working with Business Leaders

Click here to view this media Tom Brokaw repeats the right wing talking point on Meet the Press this morning that somehow President Obama just hasn’t paid enough attention to business leaders in the United States. Brokaw wonders if that’s the lesson that is going to be taken from the mid-term elections and if Obama will now start paying attention to their ideas on how to change the economy. I don’t know what planet Brokaw is living on if he thinks President Obama hasn’t already shown way too much deference to big business. And those businesses are not creating jobs in America as Robert Reich pointed out this week in his column in the Huffington Post. Apparently Reich feels the same way I do, that Obama has already been more than friendly to big businesses regardless of what hacks like Brokaw would have us believe. The Year Washington Became “Business Friendly” : History will record 2010 as the year Washington became “business friendly.” Not that it was all that unfriendly before. Some would say the bailouts of Wall Street, AIG, GM, and Chrysler were about as friendly as it can get. In addition, Washington gave windfalls to drug companies and health insurers in the new health bill, subsidies to energy companies in the stimulus package, and billions to domestic and military contractors. But for corporate America it still wasn’t friendly enough. Before the midterm elections, Verizon CEO and Business Roundtable chair Ivan Seidenberg accused the president of creating a hostile environment for investment and job-creation. In the midterms, business leaders overwhelmingly threw their support to Republicans. So the White House caved in on the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, and is telling CEOs it will be on their side from now on. As the president recently told a group of CEOs, the choice “is not between Democrats and Republicans. It’s between America and our competitors around the world. We can win the competition.” There’s only one problem. America’s big businesses are less and less American. They’re going abroad for sales and employees. That’s one reason they’ve showed record-breaking profits in 2010 while creating almost no American jobs….

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Is it “I’m not a witch” Christine O’Donnell ? Is it Andrew Breitbart ? Is it Rand Paul and his merry band of curb-stompers ? Or maybe it’s Cryin’ John Boehner? Every day, the team of C&L pours through hours of programming and news to find stories for you examples of the crooks and liars that infect the public discourse. By my estimation, we’ve done upwards of 5,000 posts this year. That’s a whole lot of crooks and liars. So, tell us, who were the standouts this year? I’m pulling clips to provide Nicole Sandler, who is substituting for Randi Rhodes this week, and we’ll be discussing it on her show Monday. Listen in to hear if your choices were used.

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Fake news by Andy Borowitz By Andy Borowitz The gargantuan year-end bonuses paid out to Goldman Sachs executives have received howls of protests from the banking giant’s legion of critics, but not from its most ardent defender: Satan. Related Entries December 26, 2010 A Crisis Economy of Language December 24, 2010 Biden: Gay Marriage Inevitable in America

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Michele Bachmann Calls 9-11 Responders Bill a New Entitlement Program

Click here to view this media Our friends at News Hounds caught this one from the other day. Apparently one of our favorite wingnuts thinks that helping the 9-11 responders with their health care equals another evil entitlement program, and we all know how much Republicans hate welfare or Medicaid or Social Security as long as it’s a program that’s helping working people and not welfare for corporations. Michele Bachmann Calls 9/11 Responders Bill “A New Entitlement Program” : On Wednesday (12/22/10), Michele Bachmann (R-MN) spoke with Brian Sullivan before President Obama’s news conference. At about the 2:40 mark in the segment, Sullivan asked about the passage of the 9/11 responders bill. “Do you think the GOP, though, took a little bit of a PR hit in opposing some of the spending on this bill?” Bachmann said the GOP doesn’t oppose compensating first responders, per se . “It’s the fact of a lack of transparency and this bill, unfortunately, is a new entitlement program for all practical purposes.” Comment: Entitlement? To 9/11 first responders, it’s a matter of life and death. Shame on her. And shame on Sullivan for letting her get away with saying such a thing. As their guest blogger suggests, yes, shame on both of them, but any response acknowledging that would require either of them of having the capacity to feel shame in the first place. It’s pretty obvious neither of them does. Taking care of those that sacrificed their health when responding to 9-11 should be a no brainer politically, but this wingnut thinks it’s a good opportunity to call it another “entitlement” and pretend that Republicans ever had any intention of doing right by those workers. Bravo Michele for doing your best to continue to show to the voters that you don’t give one iota for the working class in this country. And sadly the Republicans have decided this loon deserves a spot on the Intelligence Committee .

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Civil War Warnings in Ivory Coast

The Ivory Coast’s incumbent leader Laurent Gbagbo, who refuses to step aside after losing to a rival in November’s presidential election, has warned that any foreign intervention could spark an “interior war.” Election-related violence has already killed at least 173 people in the West African country. —JCL The BBC: Foreign intervention to oust Ivory Coast’s incumbent leader Laurent Gbagbo could ignite a civil war, a spokesman for the president has warned. West African leaders have warned of military action if Mr Gbagbo refuses to hand power to rival Alassane Ouattara. But Ahoua Don Mello said such a move could spark an “interior war” due to foreign workers living in the country, AFP reports. Mr Gbagbo has refused to step aside following November’s disputed election. Read more Related Entries December 26, 2010 A Crisis Economy of Language December 24, 2010 Biden: Gay Marriage Inevitable in America

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Ecuador Recognizes an Independent Palestine

Joining with a number of his Latin American neighbors, Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has formally recognized “the Palestine state as free and independent within its borders … .” —JCL CNN: Ecuador is the latest country to recognize an independent Palestinian state. The government said on Friday that President Rafael Correa recognized “the Palestine State as free and independent within its borders since 1967.” Others countries—such as Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay—recently made the same move. These diplomatic initiatives come after the breakdown of direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. Palestinians have been seeking international recognition of an independent state, a strategy to achieve statehood outside the framework of talks with Israel. Read more Related Entries December 26, 2010 A Crisis Economy of Language December 24, 2010 Biden: Gay Marriage Inevitable in America

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Assange Signs Book Deal

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is set to write his autobiography. A book deal worth more than $1.5 million will help pay his hefty legal fees and keep the whistle-blowing website afloat. —JCL The Guardian: The founder of the WikiLeaks website, Julian Assange, has said he expects to earn more than £1m from book deals. Assange, who achieved global notoriety after his whistleblower websitebegan releasing more than a quarter of a million diplomatic cables, said he would use the money for legal costs. The 39-year-old is fighting extradition to Sweden, where two women have accused him of sexual misconduct. He denies the allegations. Read more Related Entries December 26, 2010 A Crisis Economy of Language December 24, 2010 Biden: Gay Marriage Inevitable in America

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A Crisis Economy of Language

With the world economy still wallowing in crisis and social services being cut across poor and rich nations alike, it’s not surprising that the winner of Merriam-Webster’s annual “Top Ten Words of the Year” for 2010 is … austerity . And, thanks to the fickle American voter, shellacking also made the list. —JCL Merriam-Webster: Merriam-Webster Inc., America’s leading language reference publisher, has announced the Top Ten Words of the Year for 2010. This profile of America’s mood and interests is determined by the volume of user lookups at Merriam-Webster.com in response to current events and conditions. Topping the list is austerity, defined as “enforced or extreme economy.” Lookups for austerity peaked dramatically several times throughout the year, as people’s attention was drawn to global economic conditions and the debt crises in Europe, but lookups also remained strong throughout the year, reflecting widespread use of the word in many contexts. “Austerity clearly resonates with many people,” said Peter Sokolowski, Editor at Large at Merriam-Webster, who monitors online dictionary searches. “We often hear it used in the context of government measures, but we also apply it to our own personal finances and what is sometimes called the new normal.” Number two on the list is pragmatic, a word that rose steadily in searches this year, both during the election season and the political negotiations that followed. “In a way, the popularity of pragmatic is reminiscent of 2005, when integrity was the most frequently looked-up word,” said John M. Morse, President and Publisher of Merriam-Webster. “In both cases, I think the word described a quality that people value highly, want to understand fully, and are looking for in their leaders.” Read more Related Entries December 26, 2010 A Crisis Economy of Language December 24, 2010 Biden: Gay Marriage Inevitable in America

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How Republicans Fool Old Folks

enlarge I had this conversation with one of my in-laws after Christmas dinner when everyone was sort of tired and full and sluggish from all the sugar in the cookies. She: “How’s your Mom doing?” Me: “Fine. Slowing a bit as she gets older, but still active, fighting eyesight problems…” [More small talk] She: “You know, my mother had cataracts they wouldn’t operate on because you know, she was under that [somewhat disgusted tone] “government health care plan.” And then she expanded on that thought with this: “When I think I need a test or treatment I speak up and say so and I get it, but no government health care plan would do that.” To which, I bit my tongue so hard it bled because I knew in my heart of hearts she would not hear anything I had to say about it. Not one thing. She wouldn’t hear me say that the entire reason she has health care for a nominal cost is strictly due to that “government health care plan” she demonizes, and if there were no “government health care plan” they’d just as soon let her die in the streets as take care of her. Unless, of course, she wanted to deed her lovely home and their lifetime savings to a local hospital and specialists. She wouldn’t hear me say that the reason she is fortunate enough to have health care where she can ask for and receive tests which she may or may not need is because she has that “government health care plan” as a foundation for affordable supplemental care, which would not be available to her in any shape or form had she not had the government health care plan. At that moment, I realized how the Republicans get away with it. They play on pride. This person grew up in the Depression. She and her sister were abandoned by their father at a young age and raised by their mother who cleaned other people’s homes to scrape together enough for heat in the winter and clothes for school. They relied on the charity of others — the holiday food baskets and occasional gifts from neighbors — to survive. They had no safety net. Then. Eventually, that changed. She won a scholarship to university and married. Her mother received a small widow’s pension under Social Security which was enough to keep her secure. But knowing them as I do, I suspect that small pension felt like charity, the thing they hated to take but needed to keep themselves alive. Conservatives keep that tradition alive. This is why they demonize the unemployed as lazy scammers and employees’ pensions as charity, and call Social Security and Medicare “entitlements”, as though somehow paying into something and receiving a promise that it will be received is shameful. This person has health care because she is over the age of 65 and entitled to receive it for all the years she paid into it. This person has a pension because funds were withheld from her paycheck when she was working so that when she retired she would always have that safe foundation under her and never have to worry about relying on the capricious kindnesses of others. But to her, it’s shameful. It’s somehow taking a government handout. And where are Democrats in this? Are they out there extolling what these programs like Medicare and Social Security are doing to help the parents of those of us out there still working? No. They also call them ‘entitlements’ and talk about how they have to be “fixed”, which plays right into the conservative tropes about how recipients of these “government programs” are on the dole. Democrats apologize for what they should be celebrating. My parting shot in this conversation was made with all the calmness I could muster, and it was simply this: Without that ‘government health care plan’ it’s likely she wouldn’t have even known she had cataracts. So there’s that. And then I reminded her that she, too, benefits from that very same government health care plan. She didn’t believe me. Because Glenn Beck is somehow more trustworthy to her. Therein lies the problem, and it’s unlikely to be fixed anytime soon. Take our money, then shame us for claiming a benefit from something we paid for, because that’s the conservative way.

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From our friends at Media Matters — Sarah Palin: Misinformer of the Year : Congratulations to the Fox commentator, political activist and reality TV star who has boldly created new frontiers in spreading falsehoods and distorting the national conversation. Palin has truly earned the 2010 Glenn Beck Honorary Award for Excellence in Misinformation.

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