Two explosive devices embedded in pieces of mail detonated within minutes of each other in two government buildings in Maryland on Thursday, injuring two employees and leading local officials to believe that the incidents were related.
Continue reading …Gulet Mohamed is an 18-year old American citizen who was effectively exiled while traveling abroad for the apparent crime of exploring his Muslim heritage. While in Kuwait, Mohamed was added to the no-fly list, arrested, beaten and threatened with torture. Glenn Greenwald has posted a 50-minute conversation with Mohamed. Glenn Greenwald on Salon: Approximately two weeks ago
Continue reading …Angelenos are so eager to have a non-bumper-to-bumper way of getting around town that they approved a sales tax increase, but the actual building of a light rail line, with an original completion date of 2036, has left something to be desired. New federal funds could bring that date closer to 2024. We’ll be sure to notice from our Martian colony.
Continue reading …From Jed at Daily KOS — New GOP rep: Sick kids shouldn’t get health insurance : Meet Diane Black, the new GOP congresswoman from Tennessee’s sixth congressional district. Like most all of her GOP colleagues, she’s eager to repeal health care reform. Why? Because she thinks it’s a really bad idea to require insurance companies to provide coverage for sick children: There is a mandate there that insurance companies must insure children up to the age of 24, and what we have found is that there are a lot of insurance companies that are just saying we’re not going to be in this business any longer, because we know that we can’t survive if that’s what we’re going to do. And the second piece of that was to insure children regardless of their health care history, and as a result of that, I know several health care insurance agents in my district who have said we’re just dropping any insurance for children whatsoever. More there so go read the rest. Here are your compassionate conservatives, folks.
Continue reading …The people who keep track of these things report that global spam traffic dropped from 200 billion messages in August to just 50 billion in December. Unfortunately it appears that the spammers may have decided to pause their activity before a relaunch. Which is just as well because we’re running low on Canadian Viagra.
Continue reading …While Wall Streeters continue to rake it in, there’s a movement afoot to redirect the public’s rage against the humble public employee. These hardworking folks don’t look like the greedy opportunists they’ve been smeared as. Related Entries January 5, 2011 The House of Professors January 4, 2011 Darrell Issa, Step Away From the Corporations
Continue reading …John Nichols from The Nation spells it out in plain language: In 2010, the new theme of the Washington elites was that the U.S. had spent itself into a financial mess. President Obama’s “Deficit Commission,” Republicans in Congress and even some Democrats were all saying that the country was broke and that it was going to be necessary to put Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other social programs at risk to balance the books. That’s right. They want working Americans to sacrifice in order to pay off the debts they ran up on their wars and bailouts? And what do defense contractors and big banks get under the scenario that is currently in play? More federal contracts, more bailouts, more tax breaks. The close of 2010 saw the Obama administration and congressional Republicans working together to extend tax breaks for billionaires, create new estate-tax exemptions for millionaires and weaken the underpinnings of Social Security. Now, Washington is abuzz with speculation about the prospect that the next Obama-GOP project will be a formal assault on Social Security. Medicare and Medicaid—with an announcement coming in the State of the Union address. What’s the proper response? Remember who got us in this mess? Reject the spin of those who would suggest that “entitelment programs” ever were or are the problem.Recognize the genius of the slogan heard on the streets of European cities as governments sought to spread the pain caused by financial speculators to the whole society.The banners declared: “We Won’t Pay For Their Crisis.” That should be the starting point for any American response to the threat of austerity. Of course, there is a place for fiscal responsibility. But there is also a place for moral responsibility. Those who created the mess should shoulder the burden of cleaning it up. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid did not create this crisis, war profiteering and Wall Street speculation did. So before any working family sacrifices, the first demand should be that the profiteers and the speculators pay for their crisis.
Continue reading …Hard-left comedienne Roseanne Barr appeared on Wednesday's Good Morning America and faced no questions about her controversial, often bizarre statements , such as in 2009 when she dressed up like Hitler and pretended to bake “burnt Jew cookies.” Instead, Roberts fawned, “Buckle up, folks. Roseanne Barr is back, making us laugh.” An ABC graphic touted
Continue reading …I doubt it came as much of a surprise to anyone listening when Ed Schultz described how he broke the law by knowingly driving on a highway closed by police. Schultz's New Year's Day jaunt caught the attention of Brian Maloney at the Radio Equalizer who asked yesterday, “Do road closures apply to MSNBC talkers?” — read more
Continue reading …Click here to view this media Jon Stewart finally gives in and has a go at the angry old man of the senate, and deservedly so. Since losing to Obama in 2008 the crotchety old bastard has renounced his so-called “maverick” ways and pretty much any principle he ever had, and is now just another rightwing bigot polluting the airwaves at every available opportunity. As with Michael Steele, a muppet is used. In this case a rather foul-mouthed one given to obscene gestures. enlarge
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