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Elizabeth Hasselbeck: Sarah Palin’s Crosshairs Ad ‘Despicable’

Click here to view this media A reminder that back in March Elizabeth Hasselbeck of The View took the unusual step of criticizing Sarah Palin for her crosshairs ad. Segment originally aired March 26, 2010. via Huffington Post Sarah Palin’s gun sight-riddled campaign map is so militant that it’s even lost her the support of “The View” co-host Elizabeth Hasselbeck, who called Palin’s behavior “despicable.” After “View” co-host Joy Behar said the map, which features white and red gun sights drawn over districts whose Democratic representatives voted for health care, “looks like an al Qaeda Christmas card” Thursday, Hasselbeck — who campaigned with Palin in 2008 — spoke up in uncharacteristic agreement. “This hasn’t been a great week in terms of, I think, the Constitution and where it says that you’re supposed to, you know, everybody is, has a mandate to have insurance. But I think the way some Republicans are handling this is nothing more than purely despicable,” Hasselbeck said. “The names that are next to and being highlighted by those crosshairs — I think it’s an abuse of the Second Amendment. I also feel as though every single person on here is a mother, a father, a friend, a brother, a sister, and to take it to this level is — it’s disappointing to see this come from the Party, and I would hope that leaders like Sarah Palin would end this.” Joy Behar thanked her for it, shaking her hand. “Republicans are not speaking out against this and you may be the first one to do it, and I salute you, my girl.” Whoopi Goldberg would say “Republicans, whatever comes from this it’s on your heads.” enlarge Elizabeth Hasselbeck introducing Sarah Palin in Orlando, Oct. 26, 2008

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By Richard Reeves I do not believe that Sarah Palin and her blather about “reloading” or Sharron Angle, she of “Second Amendment solutions,” have anything to do with the gunning down of innocents in Arizona. Related Entries January 11, 2011 How Many Bullets Do You Need? January 11, 2011 A Tale of Two Sheriffs

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By Ruth Marcus “High Capacity Magazines … When ten rounds isn’t enough,” the Internet site offers. When, exactly, would that be? Enough for what? Related Entries January 11, 2011 How Many Bullets Do You Need? January 11, 2011 A Tale of Two Sheriffs

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Glenn Beck: The Epitome of a Disordered Mind

This graphic says everything about Glenn Beck’s brain. What there is left of it. enlarge My theory? It was a fake nod to no violence with a wink on the left to the right-wing gun nuts. Now listen to Beck warn Palin to get a bodyguard because “there are nutjobs on all sides.” The violence he expresses is remarkable, even for Beck. Apocalyptic visions of violence. Oh, and “peace and love.” Give me a break. He loves Sarah Palin though, and certainly gives a dramatic reading of her email. There is a certain chaotic rhythm to what the right wing does. Even in their denials, they’re chaotic. They deflect, distract, and use cognitive dissonance as weapons to derail any meaningful discussion or attention to that which they have caused. It is their way of keeping followers under their thumb. Nothing illustrates this better than that graphic and this incredible piece of radio theater. (graphic: h/t @StopBeck – Angelo Carusone)

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By Amy Goodman The Tucson massacre that left six dead and 14 injured, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, brought into sharp public focus the local sheriff, Clarence Dupnik. Related Entries January 11, 2011 How Many Bullets Do You Need? January 11, 2011 A Tale of Two Sheriffs

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By William Pfaff The U.S. can pursue one of two courses in East Asia: Either negotiate an understanding with regional powers and redeploy American troops, or continue the dangerous drift that provokes China’s insecurities. Related Entries January 11, 2011 How Many Bullets Do You Need? January 11, 2011 A Tale of Two Sheriffs

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Bill Kristol Compares Paul Krugman to McCarthy

Click here to view this media Project much Bill? Pundit calls liberal criticism of Palin a ‘disgrace,’ compares to ‘McCarthyism’ : During an appearance on C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal,” Bill Kristol of the conservative-leaning Weekly Standard magazine called the criticism of the former Alaska governor “a disgrace.” He said there is no proof that Jared Loughner, the suspect, was a fan of Palin or went to her website, which had labeled Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and other Democrats a political target last year; it was illustrated with a graphic of crosshairs that has triggered a political debate. Federal authorities on Sunday filed murder charges against Loughner. Kristol said those who are blaming Palin, such as Paul Krugman of The New York Times, are practicing “McCarthyism.” “The attempt to exploit this tragedy is distasteful,” Kristol said. He added that both parties have used words like “targets” in seeking to win political campaigns. And Loughner doesn’t appear to have been involved in partisan politics, he said. Yeah, well Bill, they weren’t using them at the same time they were saying to “reload” either, were they?

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Chris Matthews, joined by two liberal talk radio hosts on Tuesday's Hardball, essentially blamed the likes of conservative hosts like Mark Levin for creating the climate of hate that led to the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords with the envious MSNBC host proclaiming: “People like Mark Levin, Michael Savage…every time you listen to them are furious, furious at the left with anger that's just builds and builds in their voice and by the time they go to commercial, they're just in some rage, every night, with ugly talk…. They must have an audience. I looked at the numbers today. They have big audiences! And I guess that's the question. Why and is it ever going to stop if it keeps working?” Before that Matthews rant, Philadelphia area radio host Michael Smerconish coined a word in his attack on conservative radio as he claimed to see “A direct causal connection between all…the hatriolic comments and the shooting incident” and later, referring to a scene he saw at town hall

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Five Year Threats

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Iran’s nuclear weapons , North Korea’s ballistic missiles , and bioterrorism incidents will always be five years away from threatening the United States, no matter what year it is. BTW, Happy Birthday to Ziggy Stardust, he turned 64 on Saturday.

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Snowy Conditions Proving Hazardous For Nation’s Idiots

Bad weather trapping you inside today? Well, stay put, lest you become like one of these hapless fools featured in The Onion News Network’s “Snowpocalypse” faux exposé, good for a laugh on a wintry day. Related Entries January 8, 2011 Israel’s Hope Kindergarten December 27, 2010 Jon Stewart: Shades of Edward R. Murrow?

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