We’ve entered a political era in the United States that’s distinctly hostile to climate science — a pretty stunning number of the new Congressmen coming to the Hill next year claim that climate change isn’t real , or that it isn’t caused by man. Meanwhile, the scien… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Photo taken by Michael Graham Richard, used with permission of Oxford University Press What a Fascinating Planet! Maybe it’s my geeky side, but I’ve always liked encyclopedias and atlases. When I was younger, I spent hours looking for one thing but reading about 15 others things on the way there (kind of what Wikipedia makes people do now, with all those tempting links sprinkled in each entry), so I was happy to be offered a review copy of the 17th edition of the Oxford Atlas of the World. But this large and high-quality book isn’t just a dry compilation of maps, it… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Photo: Katya Kroch / IBJ One morning in November of 2000, a large humpback whale was found stranded on a beach near Ubatuba, Brazil, clinging to life in the crashing surf. It didn’t take long before a team of nearly one hundred fishermen, firefighters, biologists, and locals assembled and began working tirelessly to return the struggling animal back to sea — and after twelve long hours, they were successful. Still, as that whale slipped beneath the waves and out o… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Assistance for adaptation programs, like developing climate-resistant crops, has fallen well short of pledges. Photo: IRRI Images / Creative Commons . We know that the emission reductions pledges under the non-binding Copenhagen Accord will fail to keep temperature rise in check and virtually doom the world’s coral, but now a new report, from the
Continue reading …Photo: Honda Coming to the US Market in 2012 (If All Goes Well) Well, that didn’t take long! I was recently writing about how Honda might be about to change direction and embrace electric cars , in good part because its new CEO is more excited about them than his predecessor. But I wasn’t expecting Honda to have something concrete to show so quickly, yet today in Los Angeles, the company unveiled its Fit EV concept, which gives us an idea of what the production Fit EV should look lik… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Photo via jonrawlinson Shark finning is thankfully on more people’s radar as intensely damaging to our oceans. Sharks are wiped out at a rate upwards of 70 million per year according to expert estimates — far faster than they can possibly replace themselves. Yet as an apex predator, their presence is essential to a functioning marine ecosystem. The voices of those working to stop shark finning are getting louder, which means more educatio… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …photo: Jean / Creative Commons Want to reduce methane emissions from dairy farming ? Reminder: You should, in the US the greenhouse gas emissions from the dairy industry alone are about 2% of the nation’s total. Just switching to organic methods instead of conventional intensive farming can make a big dent, not to mention improving the welfare of the … Read the full story on TreeHugger
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