photo: Antonio Rojas This following is a guest post from author, barrister and international environmental lawyer Polly Higgins. TreeHugger recently reviewed Higgins’ newest book book Eradicating Ecocide . Colonialism by the Sea It was a surreal setting for the latest episode of the world’s climate negotiations: mega-all-inclusive exclusive hotels stretching the whole way along a 3 kilometre-long promontory, promoting themselves and their private stretches o… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …photo: Kevin Dooley / Creative Commons The California Air Resources Board yesterday passed a statewide cap and trade bill for greenhouse gas emissions , creating the second-largest emissions trading scheme in the world after Europe’s. A 9-to-1 vote brings into effect what CARB chairman Mary Nichols calls the capstone of… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Image credit: EraPhernalia Vintage , used under Creative Commons license. From discussing the role of debate in the green movement , to advocating that environmentalism must remain tolerant of differing viewpoints if it is to succeed , I like to think that I am a supporter of rigorous, even heated, discussion as a vital means to finding answers to… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Image via Reflex Déco This week, Parisians and visitors to the city taking the bus will have a very different experience while waiting for their ride to arrive. From December 15 until the 21st, IKEA has tricked out the bus stops at 12 different stations throughout the center of Paris, focusing on areas that are heavily trafficked during the holiday season (such as the Champs-Elysées and the Latin Quarter). Sofas, shelves, lighting and decorations are now part of the trip…. Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Photo by James “Tre” Hayes via Flickr Creative Commons It’s usually the southwestern US that makes the news for its water woes, what with its deserts climates and high populations. However, researchers state that the southeast is in just as much trouble when it comes to having adequate water supplies for future years. From issues to storing enough water, to reduced rainfall and more frequent droughts, the southeastern states are likely to feel the water crunch in the very near future. … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Image: Screenshot via HSUS Despite what seems like increased media attention on some of the cruelty and environmental abuses at factory farms over the last year, the worst practices continue unchecked. The latest exposé comes from a factory farm owned by a subsidiary of the world’s largest pork producer, Smithfield Foods. Through an undercover investigation in Virginia, the Humane Society of the U.S. caught horrific treatment of female pigs and piglets on video…. Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Estimates of the cost of production for oil production form various locations Image Credit: Oil Drum Whenever we speak of Peak Oil, the optimists point out that the technology for finding replacements will turn up as the prices rise; look at what has happened with the oil sands and with shale gas. But as this graph shows, each alternative just gets more expensive. … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Image via Live Science video The walnut sphinx caterpillar has a trick up its sleeve — er, side — to keep birds from chomping on it. The clever bug can make an odd whistling sound, which startles birds enough that they usually just leave it alone. Researchers didn’t know how it managed to make this sound, so they set up cameras and began experimenting. The results are rather strange. … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Image by Leonora Oppenheim We first heard about the The Science Museum’s new climate change gallery back in March this year when we read an exasperating report in The Times saying the museum was “revising the contents of its new climate science gallery to reflect the wave of scepticism that has engulfed the issue in recent months.” It seems like a shaky and uncertain start, so we’ve been waiting to see what the fuss was all about ever since. Now we’re pleased to say that the gallery is open in London and TreeHugger was … Read the full story on TreeHugger
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