Liberal MP Justin Trudeau’s Christmas Card. The blanket is a bit much… Up-and-coming politician and son of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau Justin Trudeau says “it’s just a Christmas card.” That’s like former Governor General Michaelle Jean downing her bite of seal heart and calling it “just a snack.” It’s not just a card, it’s a statement. The Montreal Gazette … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Photo: David Shankbone /Creative Commons Actress Emily Deschanel is the recipient of the Humane Society of the United States’ most recent Humane Advocate Award — which highlights her animal rights work, from her vegan diet to her campaigns against dogfighting. … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Image: Takeya Today was the perfect day to try out my Takeya tea maker: it’s snowing out, I’d rather be cozied up in bed with a good book, and I’m pretty close to putting some USB-heated gloves on. So the perfect cup of hot tea seemed like a smart idea, and I was totally right. … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Photo: Toyota Good News for Tesla Fans The Tesla Model S is still pretty far from dealerships, and the Roadster sales aren’t quite enough to carry the company on their own (especially in this tough economy). But Tesla’s been looking high and low for others sources of cash (the
Continue reading …Photo credit: Alaskan Dude / Creative Commons On a ridgetop preserve in Pennsylvania, conservationists and bird watchers gathered for the annual count of migrating bald eagles. It’s a tradition that has persisted for 76 years—since the founding of the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary . This year, however, was a little different: Participates were treated to a record number of sightings—a reassuring sign of the incredible success of bald eagle conservation programs across the count… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Image: Screenshot of Google NGram Viewer for “Peak Oil” This morning, my Twitter stream was quickly filled with tweets about this new tool from Google that allows one to search for words within the large Google Books collection. Called the Google Books Ngram Viewer , the tool has proven to be an interesting way to get a feel for how culture has changed throughout the past 200+ years, or more specifically, how that changing culture has been documented in the books written during this time. C… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Photo: david.nikonvscanon , Flickr, CC The plans are being called the “largest shakeup of the UK energy sector” since the 1980s, and indeed, if implemented, they could have a profound impact on carbon emissions. The proposal, announced by UK energy and climate secretary Chris Huhne, would seek to position renewable sources as the “dominant” sources of energy generation by 2030, the Guardian reports. Among the initiatives is putting a floor price on carbon, investing in energy efficiency measures like smart meters, and limiting the emissions of coal plants. … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Photo: Kelly Rossiter Now that I have a very beautiful Moroccan tagine , I am always looking for recipes to make in it. This recipe from Tunisia caught my eye as I was working on a series of street food for Planet Green. It turns out to be a very different thing from a Moroccan tagine. It is more like an frittata or open faced omelete than ste… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Image: Zunal It may only be a matter of time now before Oregon is home to the world’s largest wind farm — a massive, 845 MW project just received a partial guarantee for a billion-plus dollar loan from the US Dept. of Energy. Furthermore, the site for the project, in Eastern Oregon, has been finalized. And lets not forget about all them green jobs, either …… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …photo: NASA Plenty of research on both both personal and national ecological footprints has shown that we are using Earth’s resources at unsustainable rates, that we are using them up faster than they can be regenerated. Now, some new work from NASA digs a bit deeper, examining how plant consumption is increasing as both population and… Read the full story on TreeHugger
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