People in the South and the Appalachian region are the least likely of all Americans to be physically active in their leisure time, the CDC says in a new report.
Continue reading …One in five tests is ordered to protect against lawsuits, according to a new survey of Pennsylvania orthopaedists.
Continue reading …An expectation that medical treatment will not work well may be self-fulfilling for patients, overriding — or at least having a negative impact on – the effectiveness of medications, a study shows.
Continue reading …Men who start to go bald by age 20 may have an increased risk for developing prostate cancer later in life, a study suggests.
Continue reading …People with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who don’t sleep well face significant risks of greater functional disability due to pain and fatigue symptoms associated with poor sleep quality, a new study shows.
Continue reading …Can herbal remedies help ease overactive bladder symptoms? Find out what experts say about OAB and herbal therapies.
Continue reading …Men with a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) level of less than 1 nanogram per liter of blood can safely wait up to eight years between PSA screenings, researchers say.
Continue reading …Taking zinc, either as a syrup or lozenge, through the first few days of a cold may shorten the misery of an upper respiratory infection, a new research review shows.
Continue reading …One of the largest studies to date on alcohol’s effects on sleep shows that drinking alcohol before bed may disrupt sleep and increase wakefulness in healthy adults — affecting women more than men — regardless of family history of alcoholism.
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