To get good control of your chronic pain, it’s not enough to tell your doctor it hurts. You need to learn how to talk about pain: how it feels, how it rates on a pain scale, and how it affects you.
Continue reading …Chronic pain can be caused by many conditions, but sometimes it begins mysteriously. Learn about the causes of chronic pain and treatments.
Continue reading …New research shows that there are now nearly 12 million cancers survivors in the U.S., up from 3 million in 1971 and 9.8 million in 2001.
Continue reading …The FDA has approved Benlysta, the first new lupus drug since 1955. Benlysta reduces lupus activity; it’s hoped the drug will help patients reduce their need for steroids.
Continue reading …Stroke patients seem to recover lost or impaired physical abilities more quickly if family members pitch in to help them with exercise therapy, new research indicates.
Continue reading …For years, people with a so-called “pear” shape have breathed easier than those with an ”apple” shape because of their presumed lower risk for heart attack and stroke.
Continue reading …In a new Gallup poll, West Virginia outweighs Mississippi as the most obese state. But Colorado, the least obese state, can’t brag: 1 in 5 Coloradans are obese.
Continue reading …Nearly one in four ovarian cancers are inherited, say researchers who are developing a gene-based blood test to identify women with these hereditary cancers.
Continue reading …Women who drink a cup or more of coffee each day may be less likely to have a stroke than their counterparts who drink less, finds new research in the journal Stroke.
Continue reading …WebMD helps teen boys get and stay in shape during sports seasons.
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