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Senate Vote Boosts Obama’s Tax-Cut Bid

That pronounced blast of disapproval from the left-leaning ranks in the House of Representatives last week may not be enough to blow President Obama’s tax-cut proposal down, as the Senate gave it a strong vote of confidence on Monday. Los Angeles Times: The Senate could send the package to the House by midweek and then turn to remaining legislative priorities, including a nuclear arms reduction treaty with Russia, a repeal of the ban on openly gay military personnel and a youth immigration bill. Still, House Democrats have yet to relent in their opposition to the tax-cut deal between the White House and GOP leaders, and they are expected to demand changes to the bill’s estate tax provision, which liberal lawmakers say is skewed to the wealthy. Yet, as the Senate voted 83-15 to clear a key procedural hurdle, it became increasingly obvious that altering the package in either chamber could delay final votes and jeopardize other top goals before the Democratic-controlled Congress comes to a close at the end of the year. Read more Related Entries December 13, 2010 Ron Paul Considers Another Run for the White House December 13, 2010 Obama’s Tax-Cut Plan for Dummies

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Cavuto to Matthews: Stick Your Condescending Comments About Christie’s Weight Up Your You Know What

As NewsBusters previously reported , MSNBC's Chris Matthews took some cheap shots at New Jersey governor Chris Christie's weight while speaking at a radio event last Thursday. Displeased with the immature condescension aimed at his state's chief executive, Fox News's Neil Cavuto went after the “Hardball” host's lack of decorum on Monday's “Your World” (video follows with transcript and commentary): read more

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Neil Cavuto: Bernie Sanders Will Need Depends To Filibuster Tax Cut Deal

Click here to view this media Our friends at News Hounds caught this one from the other day. Besides the fact that it is completely disrespectful to Sen. Sanders, I’ve got another point to make. What Bernie Sanders did the other day with his eight and a half hour long speech on the floor of the Senate was not technically a filibuster. No one seems to think it’s necessary to make a Senator who wants to hold up a bill actually take to the floor and do what Bernie did. All they have to do is put an anonymous hold on a bill and they’re allowed to muck up the whole works. So sorry Neil, but unless you think that Jim DeMint and the rest of the Republican obstructionists we’ve been putting up with for the last two years that would be happier to see President Obama be a one term president than actually caring about the process of legislating should be breaking out the Depends every time they want to obstruct as well, neither should Sen. Sanders. Heaven forbid someone at Fox might actually pay attention to the facts about how broken the Senate is and tell their viewers the truth about how easy it’s been for them to obstruct instead of just using what Bernie did to insult him. If Cavuto thinks Sen. Sanders needs some depends to filibuster, then I say Depends for all of them! Break them out along with the cots. When Neil Cavuto “respectfully” asks a Republican Senator to break out the diapers while holding up a bill, we’ll know he didn’t mean to just be insulting. I’m not holding my breath. That said I have heard some rumors that David Vitter j ust might be persuaded to wear Depends on the Senate floor voluntarily, filibuster or not. Cavuto Says Bernie Sanders Will Need Depends To Filibuster Tax Cut Deal : On Friday’s (12/10/10) Your World, Neil Cavuto spoke while Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was filibustering the tax cut deal. Cavuto said “He has been doing this for the better part of six hours right now… He does not like this legislation at all… So he’s gonna talk and talk and talk. It’s a way of filibustering to delay a vote. Unfortunately, the reality is that they’re going to vote on this on Monday, so unless the fine Senator brought Depends with him and a strong will, he’s going to be there a very very long time. No offense. I’m sorry if anyone took offense.” Yes, Neil, a lot of people will take offense.

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The Atlantic’s James Fallows talks about something that used to happen a lot less, mostly because there were still some public figures who took pride in their personal integrity. That’s why someone like Peter Orszag can go to work for Citibank and not bat an eye — because it’s been so long since he’s seen anyone ever raise the issue, it probably never even occurred to him just how slimy it is: Last night, on the “Virtually Speaking” discussion about the media with Jay Rosen of NYU, we talked about the phenomenon of things that everyone in the press corp “knows” but that don’t make their way into news stories or broadcasts . One such category involves things that everyone suspects but can’t quite prove — for instance, how involved Dick Cheney and Karl Rove were in the Valerie Plame case. Or, to make it bipartisan, about Bill Clinton’s sexual behavior over the years. But another category, which I think is even more important, involves things that everyone “knows” but has stopped noticing. This is very similar to what is called “Village” behavior in the big time media. An item in this second category has just come up: the decision of Peter Orszag, until recently the director of the Office of Management and Budget under Barack Obama, to join Citibank in a senior position. Exactly how much it will pay is not clear, but informed guesses are several million dollars per year. Citibank, of course, was one of the institutions most notably dependent on federal help to survive in these past two years. Objectively this is both damaging and shocking. – Damaging, in that it epitomizes and personalizes a criticism both left and right have had of the Obama Administration’s “bailout” policy: that it’s been too protective of the financial system’s high-flying leaders, and too reluctant to hold any person or institution accountable. Of course there’s a strong counter argument to be made, in the spirit of Obama’s recent defense of his tax-cut compromise. (Roughly: that it would have been more satisfying to let Citi and others fail, but the results would have been much more damaging to the economy as a whole.) But it’s a harder argument to make when one of your senior officials has moved straight to the (very generous) Citi payroll. Any competent Republican ad-maker is already collecting clips of Orszag for use in the next campaign. – Shocking, in the structural rather than personal corruption that it illustrates . I believe Orszag (whom I do not know at all) to be a faultlessly honest man, by the letter of the law. I am sorry for his judgment in taking this job,* but I am implying nothing whatsoever “unethical” in a technical sense. But in the grander scheme, his move illustrates something that is just wrong. The idea that someone would help plan, advocate, and carry out an economic policy that played such a crucial role in the survival of a financial institution — and then, less than two years after his Administration took office, would take a job that (a) exemplifies the growing disparities the Administration says it’s trying to correct and (b) unavoidably will call on knowledge and contacts Orszag developed while in recent public service — this says something bad about what is taken for granted in American public life. When we notice similar patterns in other countries — for instance, how many offspring and in-laws of senior Chinese Communist officials have become very, very rich — we are quick to draw conclusions about structural injustices. Americans may not “notice” Orszag-like migrations, in the sense of devoting big news coverage to them. But these stories pile up in the background to create a broad American sense that politics is rigged, and opportunity too. Why do we wince a little bit when we now hear “Change you can believe in?” This is an illustration.

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Afghanistan Envoy Holbrooke Dies

Richard Holbrooke, a diplomatic fixture since the Vietnam era whose last assignment was special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, died following heart surgery Monday. His neoliberal campaigning made him the enemy of progressives and the friend of trigger happy presidents. The current White House resident described him as “one of the giants of American foreign policy” before learning of Holbrooke’s death.

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Yet Another Mona Lisa Mystery

Just when you thought the “Da Vinci Code” craze had mercifully passed, here comes another potential puzzle hidden in the Mona Lisa: Members of Italy’s National Committee for Cultural Heritage say they have found symbols embedded in the eyes of Leonardo Da Vinci’s iconic portrait. Related Entries December 13, 2010 Obama’s Tax-Cut Plan for Dummies December 13, 2010 No Act of Rebellion Is Wasted

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Time for remedial “Schoolhouse Rock” at MSNBC. The network's Rachel Maddow engaged in one of the least illuminating discussions on legislation I can recall during her show Friday. Here she is talking with NBC News “Senate producer” Ken Strickland on machinations involving possible repeal of the military's don't ask, don't tell policy (video after page break) — read more

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Bob Schieffer blames ‘people’ for World Wide "debt’ Issue
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Frank Rich’s Sunday column for the New York Times, “ Gay Bashing at the Smithsonian ,” on the removal of a video from the “Hide/Seek” show of gay artists sponsored by the federally funded museum, was even more melodramatically offended (and offensive to Christian conservatives) than Arts critic Holland Cotter’s Saturday anguish . After a video that included an 11-second clip of ants crawling over a crucifix

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‘Objective’ Barbara Walters: John Boehner ‘Has an Emotional Problem’

Ever the classy bunch, the ladies of “The View” spent a few minutes Monday mocking incoming Speaker of the House John Boehner for tearing up during an interview with CBS's Lesley Stahl. The usual suspects, apparently no longer bothered by dramatic showings of disrespect towards national leaders, hit Boehner with characteristically immature and uninformed attacks. The bigger surprise, though, was self-proclaimed “objective” reporter Barbara Walters, who claimed that Boehner “has an emotional problem,” since “every time he talks about something that's not 'raise taxes,' he cries.” read more

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