Click here to view this media CREW’s Melanie Sloan who called for an investigation into Christine O’Donnell for campaign finance fraud earlier this year responds to O’Donnell’s accusation that the federal criminal probe looking into just that is nothing but a left wing liberal conspiracy by people who are out to get her. O’Donnell: Fed Probe Ginned Up By Biden, Soros And Disgruntled Staffers (VIDEO) : Former Republican senate candidate Christine O’Donnell took to the airwaves of at least five morning shows today to fight back against the “thug politic tactic” being used against her by way of the federal criminal probe into allegations of improper use of her campaign funds. But you really only needed to watch one of her appearances to get the gist of what she said: that Vice President Joe Biden’s allies were using the FBI to conduct a campaign against her, the ethics group which brought the complaint is funded by George Soros and the former campaign staffers who have charged she misused campaign cash are disgruntled. O’Donnell never really got around to the substance of the complaints against her, which the president of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) told TPM could center on exactly how much money O’Donnell is found to have misspent (more on what exactly O’Donnell is accused of here ). As Ryan at TPM noted, of course she didn’t have any evidence that Biden was behind the probe, but when has a little thing like facts ever gotten in the way with this woman? As Melanie Sloan pointed out, she already admitted to misusing her campaign funds. It’s just a question of the dollar amount.
Continue reading …Click here to view this media [h/t Heather ] Sometimes there are simply no words to describe the behaviour of Mitch McConnell’s band of merry misanthropes – also known as much of the US Senate Republican Caucus. The level of pathological callousness, a nihilistic streak that would make Friedrich Nietzsche blush, the willingness to put an AR-15 to the head of the nearest vulnerable group if they don’t get every last dime of the mud-bath tax credit for the likes of Kim Kardashian. You’ve seen these clowns in action. You know what I’m talking about. They diagnose patients via Youtube. They block votes on everything that doesn’t involve water boarding someone or gutting mine safety standards. They turn bathroom stalls in Minnesota airports into tourist destinations. Yet, this latest stunt, well, this one even shocked me. Senator McConnell’s boisterous brood decided that it was too expensive to fund healthcare for 9/11 first responders. That’s right, the guys and gals who ran into cascading buildings, brick bonfires and smoldering ash, many of whom – the ones lucky enough to get out alive – developed respiratory illness and cancer for their troubles. Sicknesses no doubt brought about by their sloth, atheism and at least occasional voting for Democrats. So “offsets” had to be found to pay for $6 to $7 bn in life-saving funds. Yes, we just added $858 bn in red ink to our budget because somewhere a campaign contributor needed pocket change for the latest yacht shoe, but those in need of less than 1 per cent of that amount for the deleterious results of heroism? Get in bloody line, guys! And because tax cuts for the Gates’ and the gated communities just simply had to pass immediately, most GOP Senators decided that this insignificant health bill would be “held hostage” until it did. An art that Republicans learned something about in the 1980s, I suppose, when they ignored the Constitution to consort with Iranian hostage-takers. So in case this series of events doesn’t viscerally affect you the way it does me, let me count the ways that it’s sickening. First of all, this is a Republican Party who’s entire platform in the Bush years was to repeat the term “9/11″ more often than Governor Haley Barbour looks over his shoulder while telling jokes at his country club. It was the all-purpose answer to anything you could possibly ask, whether one was discussing national security, Emeril Lagasse, or the Ohio State-Michigan game. Republicans constantly implied or outright called Democrats un-American for any deviance from what they considered sound security policy – an insult to anyone in existence on that fateful day. They questioned Democrats’ patriotism for wanting to protect the rights of Homeland Security workers to organise. They did much the same to those questioning the non-existent link between Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and Al Qaeda – when not outing their wives as secret agents. Just talking about 9/11, whether in oratory or simple badinage, brought Republicans to such a natural high that most were likely warned by their doctors not to mix it with Viagra for fear of permanent priapism. Secondly, this whole disgusting display is just another example of how the US has become a two-tiered society, where those who earn marginal wages do the fighting and the life-saving, while those who earn significantly more, have become the first Americans ever to have their taxes cut during wartime. The former sometimes get buried. The latter sometimes gets buried in paperwork foreclosing houses. Which occurs, now and again, because the homeowner is off fighting a war “fully supported” by the dunderheads doing the foreclosing. It’s John Boehner’s world and you’re just living in it, baby! You know, with a lot fewer burnt skin cells. But make no mistake, so blatantly ignoring the needs of first responders from 9/11 is just another part of the reorganising of America around who matters – those who can contribute to campaign accounts – and everyone else who doesn’t. Being a fireman doesn’t pay like plundering pensions, so stop whining about the throat cancer from the three weeks of 18-hours days pulling body parts from the World Trade Centre rubble – Ok buddy? You’re lucky you still have your Social Security (for now, anyhow). Thankfully this bill has now finally now passed the Senate at a reduced cost after some negotiating. But that it could have been held up for one minute over budget concerns, after $10 million in individual married couples’ estates was just exempted from taxation, says all you need to know about the Bio Dome some of these parliamentary cretins inhabit in capital’s beltway. Because for many of the rest of us, that day is still personal. I was in New York City that day, working downtown on a city council election. One minute the World Trade Centre looked regal, with a gorgeous azure sky serving as the perfect backdrop. The next it was up in flames. When I saw the second plane hit, I started running towards the scene of the carnage, as I tried to digest what I just witnessed, and whether I could help in any way. But as I saw police cars, fire trucks, ambulances and the like speed past me, I worried I’d only get in the way of those who actually know how to save lives. So I headed back to our campaign headquarters to find out if World War III had just started. Meanwhile, some of those guys who sped past me didn’t make it out alive. Others would develop sicknesses that would change their lives forever. Apparently some Republicans in the Senate have done the one thing they swore they’d never do – they’ve forgotten what that day meant to America, not to mention the selfless sacrifices many Americans make every day. For this may be the latest and most repulsive example of their ambivalent attitude towards their own constituents. But in general, as the late Democratic Senator Claude Pepper once warned, these “politicians”, have forgotten “they’ve been appointed and think they’ve been anointed.” [This is Cliff's regular weekly column for Al Jazeera English. ]
Continue reading …An Israeli court has found the country’s former President Moshe Katsav guilty of rape and sexual harassment. Next up: war crime charges? Katsav was driven from office in 2007 due to the charges, yet the administrators of Israel’s widely-accepted-as-illegal war on Gaza in 2008-2009 have yet to see justice. —JCL The LA Times: Former Israeli President Moshe Katsav was convicted Thursday of raping an aide and sexually harassing two other women, a verdict hailed as evidence of the nation’s independent judiciary and a reminder that no one is above the law. The case, one of the most serious ever brought against a high-ranking government official here, drove Katsav from office in 2007. Although the spectacle of a president being brought up on rape charges became a source of national embarrassment, many found solace in the judges’ guilty verdict. “It attests to the strength of Israel’s democracy,” prosecutor Ronit Amiel said after the court’s ruling. “This day teaches us that world leaders and also presidents will be brought to court when needed, and that is a symbol of honor for the state of Israel.” Read more Related Entries December 28, 2010 A Far From Happy New Year December 28, 2010 Palin Trailin’ in 2012 Poll
Continue reading …The death toll of the cholera epidemic in Haiti is rising. Since its beginning in the middle of October, official sources believe 3,333 Haitians have died as a result of cholera – an average of 50 people a day. Al-Jazeera English: The cholera death toll in Haiti is rising daily, with official figures indicating that 3,333 people have died since the outbreak of the epidemic in mid-October. Official sources state that, as a result of cholera, the numbers have averaged out to around 50 new reported deaths a day. The epidemic, the first in Haiti for more than a century, has further devastated an already desolate community still recovering from the January 2010 earthquake that crippled much of the country and left some 250,000 people dead. Read more Related Entries December 28, 2010 A Far From Happy New Year December 28, 2010 Palin Trailin’ in 2012 Poll
Continue reading …I just have to wonder what kind of inhuman people want to ignore this . Hell, I wonder if most members of Congress even know about it! Are we supposed to believe that the United States of America can’t afford to feed struggling people? (CBS) OKLAHOMA CITY – For millions of Americans the economic recovery can’t get here soon enough. In 2010 a record 40.3 million Americans received food stamps. That’s a 20 percent jump from 2009. CBS News correspondent Seth Doane reports that even with that help, many are just getting by. By the end of each month the question in Sheri Lopez’s kitchen isn’t what’s for dinner but will there be dinner? Her daughter says, “At the end we’re all just trying to find something in the cabinets. Sometimes you go to bed kind of hungry.” Sheri’s husband lost his construction job a year ago. “It has been downhill,” says Sheri. “There’ve been no ups and downs. It has just been downhill.” This Oklahoma family of five saw no choice but to apply for food stamps. Their $500 benefit lasts two to three weeks but hardly four. Just before midnight on the last day of every month, Sheri and her husband make a trip to the grocery store to beat the midnight rush. “We get excited,” says Sheri. “Like, ‘Oh, we’re going to go shopping tonight!’” On the first of the month food stamp debit cards are automatically refilled with benefit money from the government. On an average night between midnight and 3 a.m., a store could bring in about $3000. On the first of the month that number is 10 times as much with almost everyone using food stamps .
Continue reading …Click here to view this media Yeah, well, we already kinda knew that Christine O’Donnell was a world-class nutcase. But lest anyone forget it, she responded yesterday to the news that she was facing an FBI investigation into her campaign finances by declaring that the FBI was a corrupt organization doing the bidding of President Obama and his “thugs” : O’Donnell: It appears that this is just the same thug tactics that they’ve been using for months to discredit this anti-establishment movement. Then she issued a statement declaring that Joe Biden was the chief thug behind her persecution: “Given that the king of the Delaware political establishment just so happens to be the vice president of the most liberal presidential administration in U.S. history, it is no surprise that misuse and abuse of the FBI would not be off the table.” Sure sounds like an innocent person to me. We’re still waiting for Roger Ailes to offer her a contract at Fox. Should happen any day now.
Continue reading …The liberal press likes to scold what it sees as lapses in civil rhetoric, usually from conservatives who fail to properly respect the icons of the Left. But as documented by the MRC's Best Notable Quotables of 2010 , the media elite itself lurched into some pretty uncivil rhetoric this year — especially when the targets were Rush Limbaugh, the Tea Party and other conservatives. PBS's Tavis Smiley won MRC's ” Poison Tea Pot Award for Smearing the Anti-Obama Rabbl e” (and was runner-up for ” Quote of the Year “) for arguing with author Ayaan Hirsi Ali that everyday Christians and the Tea Party were just as dangerous as radical Muslims. read more
Continue reading …From TPM — Bachmann: ‘Snotty’ Gore Vidal Novel Turned Me Republican! (VIDEO) : Gore Vidal, what have you done? At a speech to Michigan Republicans on Tuesday, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) — the darling of the Tea Party right — told an amazing story about how she shed her youthful Democratic roots and became a Republican. As she told the tale, her political conversion was because of her disgust at a “snotty” Gore Vidal novel that satirized the Founding Fathers. “Until I was reading this snotty novel called ‘Burr,’ by Gore Vidal, and read how he mocked our Founding Fathers,” Bachmann told the crowd. “And as a reasonable, decent, fair-minded person who happened to be a Democrat, I thought, ‘You know what? What he’s writing about, this mocking of people that I revere, and the country that I love, and that I would lay my life down to defend — just like every one of you in this room would, and as many of you in this room have when you wore the uniform of this great country — I knew that that was not representative of my country.” “And at that point I put the book down and I laughed. I was riding a train. I looked out the window and I said, ‘You know what? I think I must be a Republican. I don’t think I’m a Democrat.’” The key moment begins at about the 5:25 mark. TPM has a good portion of the transcript posted there. And a word or warning in case anyone’s curious, that blogger who posted the video is a right winger and Bachmann fan. I made the mistake of taking a look at the site. I love one of the comments left in the TPM post and thought I’d share that as well here. I haven’t read the book but his bit from Al Franken was spot on: Burr is a great novel, and Bachmann’s inability to cope with the fact that the “Founding Fathers” were very fallible human beings shows a lot about the broader Republican mindset. It also reminds me of something poignant another Minnesotan, now-Senator Al Franken, once wrote about the differences between a liberal’s love of country and a conservative’s love of country. As Franken noted, liberals love America like adults love their parents, while conservatives love America like a four year-old loves his parents. Liberals love America, but can emotionally and intellectually recognize that America sometimes takes an errant path and try to get back on course. This is the same way an adult child loves a parent. Conservatives, on the other hand, think everything America does is right, just as a young child thinks everything Mommy does is right even if Mommy is acting unwisely. And a four year-old will punch you in the nose if you ever say anything bad about Mommy.
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