By E.J. Dionne, Jr. Welcome to the Republicans who take over the House of Representatives this week. Since it is a new year, let us be optimistic about what this development means for our nation. Related Entries January 3, 2011 ‘The Left Has Nowhere to Go’ January 1, 2011 Obama Resolves to Fix the Economy
Continue reading …By Chris Hedges “The more outrageous the Republicans become, the weaker the left becomes,” Ralph Nader said when I reached him at his home in Connecticut on Sunday. Related Entries January 3, 2011 ‘The Left Has Nowhere to Go’ January 1, 2011 Obama Resolves to Fix the Economy
Continue reading …Click here to view this media (h/t Heather at VideoCafe ) Before the 2010 Mid-term election, Rep. Darrell Issa postured himself as the swaggering he-man Republican bound to take down President Obama, whom he called “the most corrupt president in modern times” on the Rush Limbaugh show in October : RUSH: Do you expect the president to come to you and say, “Okay, you know, you guys won and I lost and I guess the American people are rejecting me. I guess I’m going to have to work with you.” Do you expect him to do that? ISSA: No. I expect him to take a little while to figure out that the Presidential Records Act means they can no longer use Google to do politicking inside the White House in violation of the law. They can no longer ignore the Hatch Act violations they’ve been doing. They can no longer do Sestak, Romanoff type deals with federal taxpayers’ dollars. I expect those changes to happen. And, you know, there will be a certain degree of gridlock as the president adjusts to the fact that he has been one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times. He has ignored the very laws that he said were so vital when he was a senator. And, you know, he’s going to have to come back a different direction. Now, at the end of the day John Boehner is going to have to figure out how we have a budget and appropriations. In my case, I head the committee that’s all about making sure that the administration obeys the law, that waste, fraud, and abuse not be tolerated, which obviously is not the case now, but that’s the change that’s going to happen from my position. I’m looking forward to it. Oooh…big man making scary threats. Interestingly, Issa is not talking so tough now. He’s contorted himself into multiple pretzels trying to walk that back. ISSA: I corrected — what I meant to say — you know, on live radio, with Rush going back and forth — and by the way that was because Rush had me on to answer the question of — about coming together, having compromise. He didn’t like the compromise word, when I said we’re going to agree to disagree and then we’re going to find a kind of common ground, the kind of compromise that makes — and gets things done. In saying that this is one of the most corrupt administrations, which is what I meant to say there, when you hand out $1 trillion in TARP just before this president came in, most of it unspent, $1 trillion nearly in stimulus that this president asked for, plus this huge expansion in health care and government, it has a corrupting effect. When I look at waste, fraud and abuse in the bureaucracy and in the government, this is like steroids to pump up the muscles of waste. HENRY: But first of all, on TARP, that was before the Obama administration. That was pushed through by the Bush administration, not — so how could you call the Obama administration one of the most corrupt ever if the Bush administration pushed TARP through? ISSA: I was — I wasn’t talking about TARP legislation. What I said… HENRY: But you said now that that’s what you meant. Ooops. It’s amazing how ridiculous these GOP talking points are rendered when the media does their job even a little bit. And of course, used to a compliant and unquestioning media platform, Issa doesn’t know what to do to save himself. And it just gets worse for Issa. Henry asks him about his calling the non-story of the Sestak appointment offer an “impeachable offense “. Watch Issa dance around that. HENRY: OK, but specifically you also went — went after President Obama in the Joe Sestak case in Pennsylvania and called it “Obama’s Watergate,” and you said it was an impeachable offense. So I know you’re — you seem to be backpedaling now and saying you’re not going after him. ISSA: Ed, just so you understand… HENRY: But why did you call… (CROSSTALK) ISSA: Just so you understand, you’re misquoting. And it’s very important that we get it right here. HENRY: No, we found the quotes, and you… ISSA: What you’ll find is… (CROSSTALK) HENRY: In an e-mail, you said… ISSA: I quoted Dick Morris… HENRY: Right, that’s who said… (CROSSTALK) ISSA: … who had said it was an impeachable event. OK… HENRY: And an e-mail you put out said it was Obama’s Watergate. ISSA: OK, so let’s not — let’s not compare the two. HENRY: Well, but Watergate was impeachable offenses. (CROSSTALK) ISSA: Ed — Ed, I came on your show, but don’t create a statement which has to be answered… Yeah, Ed. Don’t hold me accountable to my words, man. So I sent out a fundraising email on it. So I went on various conservative radio shows and said it. Don’t make me answer to it now. HENRY: So do you still believe it was Obama’s Watergate, the Joe Sestak case? ISSA: Once we knew, as we discovered, that it turns out that Republicans and previous administrations thought it was OK in spite of the absolute black and white letter of the law, it got bigger — it got bigger than President Obama. HENRY: So are you going to investigate the Joe Sestak case? ISSA: No we’re not. Here’s the whole point. HENRY: But if it was Obama’s Watergate, now you’re going to walk away? ISSA: Ed, what we know now is we know that there is a problem in government that executive branch people think it’s OK to do this. It’s not OK. Do we need to get this administration to stop doing it? Do we need, if anything, to find out who it was in the Bush administration that thought it was OK to use your taxpayer dollars to affect a Republican primary? That’s — it was wrong if it was done in the Bush administration. It’s wrong in the Obama administration. But remember, the focus of our committee has always been, and you look at all the work I’ve done over the last four years on the oversight committee; it has been consistently about looking for waste, fraud and abuse. That’s the vast majority of what we do. See, Ed…as soon as we found out that we’d have to hold Republicans to the same standards, we backed off. But we’re focused on fraud and abuse…just not when it involves Republicans too. Let’s talk about more of that fraud and corrupt Obama administration: HENRY: Well, let’s — Congressman Boehner, who is going to be the speaker, has said he wants to cut $100 billion from the federal budget and he wants to start with committees. How are you going to fund all these various investigations when Democrats point out that you had the Securities and Exchange Commission investigate the timing of the — of its suit against Goldman Sachs some time ago because there was a suggestion that you had that maybe the Democrats were timing that suit so that it would help them pass financial reform legislation? Basically the SEC inspector general went through 3.4 million e- mails from 64 employees. They took all kinds of sworn statements. They spent weeks and weeks on this. And at the end there was nothing there. How much did an investigation like that cost and are you going to be transparent about how much taxpayer money you’re spending on all of this? ISSA: Ed, I’m glad you asked this because what we did was we noted the timing. We sent to the SEC — and the inspector general there said yes, this looks like the kind of thing that we follow up and investigate. He conducted an investigation, with no interference and no guidance from us. He did what he thought was right and he reported out his findings. When his findings came out and said, yes, it’s a coincidence; it’s not any corrupt behavior, we never said or did another thing. That’s government doing what it’s supposed to do. HENRY: But they went through 3.4 million e-mails and found nothing. It cost a lot of money, didn’t it? So there was no there there? Then what’s the fuss? How much did that cost for all these pearl-clutching austerity queens? But then comes the phrase from Ed Henry that makes Republicans’ heads explode: fact check. HENRY: OK, I want to fact-check something you said in this morning’s Los Angeles Times. You said, and we told this… ISSA: I must have gotten up really early. (LAUGHTER) HENRY: Well, you said, “After a trillion-dollar stimulus that didn’t create jobs, a trillion-dollar bailout of Wall Street and a trillion-dollar health care overhaul, the American people believed we need more oversight, not less.” On that first part, a trillion-dollar stimulus that did not create jobs, you say. Bloomberg has a story out also saying “Employment probably rose for a third month in December, bringing U.S. payroll growth last year to $1 million and pointing to further improvement in the labor market for 2011, economists said before a report this week.” How can you make the case that no jobs have been created? Maybe the White House didn’t create as many as they advertised, no doubt about it, but how can you make the case that they’ve created no jobs with the stimulus? And you’re about to investigate this. ISSA: First of all, unemployment rose. By hearings held under a Democratic chairman, we were told under sworn testimony, with Chairman Towns sitting next to me, that it cost, just to keep a teacher on the salary one more year, $174,000 each. Now, you can say those are jobs created or saved. Really, they’re simply dollars spent for one year of kicking the can down the road. It didn’t create — there’s not a lot of ripple effect in that kind of spending. Real creation of jobs, permanent jobs is what we didn’t get out of this. Of course, you get your money spent. If I hire you and give you a quarter million dollars or $174,000, you have a job for that year. That’s not creating a job. That’s hiring or continuing to pay for a government worker. Creating a job is about something you do that becomes permanent. Stimulus should have been about private-sector creation. It should have been about private sector creation. You Republicans told us that giving the “job creators” tax cuts would result in more jobs. In ten years of the Bush tax rates, we had NEGATIVE job creation in the private sector. So how’d that work out for us? But you’re going to spend the money you keep insisting we can’t afford to investigate things that don’t require investigation. Tell me again why anyone supports the Republican party line? Transcripts courtesy of CNN .
Continue reading …Click here to view this media (h/t Heather at VideoCafe ) Despite Vice President Joe Biden’s assurances that we will not continue our occupation of Afghanistan past 2014, Senator Lindsey Graham has other ideas. I want an enduring relationship with Afghanistan past 2014 politically, economically, and militarily, so that country never goes back into the hands of a Taliban or al-Qaeda. The two words that will be talked about in 2011 with Afghanistan are “corruption” and “Pakistan.” I am hopeful the Pakistani Army will be more bold in attacking safe havens across the border that lie in– Pakistan. I hope the Karzai government will better address corruption. I hope we can find an enduring relationship with Afghanistan that will make sure that country never goes back in the hands of terrorists. And the idea of putting permanent military bases on the table in 2011, I think, would secure our national interests and tell the bad guys and the good guys, “We’re not leaving, we’re staying in a responsible way if the Afghan people want us to stay.” Nothing like the Republicans to hold two mutually opposing thoughts simultaneously without a trace of irony. Not ten minutes before, Graham was talking up austerity and cutting costs and refusing to raise the debt ceiling, and now he’s calling for a permanent military presence in Afghanistan. What does he think that will be paid with? What does he think that will do to our debt? And it ignores–as Republicans are wont to do–what Afghanistan wants. Graham argues that it’s in our national interest to have an “enduring relationship” with Afghanistan, but the Afghans see that as a foreign (and violent) occupying force. They are rightfully resentful of it and by staying, we’re radicalizing even more Afghans against us, providing us with a non-stop stream of “insurgents” (or freedom fighters, from their point of view) to battle, costing us more and more in blood and treasure. Of course, that doesn’t fit into the carefully crafted narratives the media keeps pushing. Over the weekend, I watched a documentary on Netflix streaming entitled “Independent Intervention” on the corporate glossing over of the realities of war (or occupation, if you want to be semantic about it). For those without a Netflix account, this little preview gives you a flavor of the documentary. THIS is what Graham is calling for…the destruction, the devastation, the losses. Costs far too high for the benefits reaped. Transcripts (courtesy of NBC) below the fold: DAVID GREGORY: Final area, with just a– just a moment left– I wanna talk about Afghanistan. You’ve traveled there extensively, and you think a lot about the war. Vice President Biden was on this program in the last couple of weeks. SENATOR GRAHAM: Yeah. DAVID GREGORY: Was in– emphatic in talking about the endgame for the United States. This is a portion of what he said. […] DAVID GREGORY: If that holds, that means there’s a level of confidence that the primary challenge can be overcome, which, to you, is what? SENATOR GRAHAM: Well, at the end of the day, I think the vice president has walked back that statement. The President, rightly, has said, “We’re gonna start transitioning this year. By 2014, the Afghan Security Forces will be in the lead.” I want an enduring relationship with Afghanistan past 2014 politically, economically, and militarily, so that country never goes back into the hands of a Taliban or al-Qaeda. The two words that will be talked about in 2011 with Afghanistan are “corruption” and “Pakistan.” I am hopeful the Pakistani Army will be more bold in attacking safe havens across the border that lie in– Pakistan. I hope the Karzai government will better address corruption. I hope we can find an enduring relationship with Afghanistan that will make sure that country never goes back in the hands of terrorists. And the idea of putting permanent military bases on the table in 2011, I think, would secure our national interests and tell the bad guys and the good guys, “We’re not leaving, we’re staying in a responsible way if the Afghan people want us to stay.” DAVID GREGORY: But that’s important. You believe a permanent U.S. Military presence in Afghanistan is required in order to head off a potential failed state in the future? SENATOR GRAHAM: I think it would be enormously beneficial to the region, as well as Afghanistan. We’ve had air bases all over the world. A couple of air bases in Afghanistan would allow the Afghan Security Forces an edge against the Taliban in perpetuity. It would be a signal to Pakistan that the Taliban are never gonna come back in Afghanistan. They could change their behavior. It would be a signal to the whole region that Afghanistan is gonna be a new and different place. And if the Afghan people want this relationship, they’re gonna have to earn it. But I hope they will seek a relationship with the United States before we can have a enduring relationship, economic and militarily and politically. And a couple a air bases in Afghanistan will give us an edge militarily, give the Afghan Security Forces an edge militarily, to ensure that country never goes back into the hands of the Taliban, which would be a stabilizing event throughout the whole region. That has to be earned by the Afghan people. And it has to be requested by them.
Continue reading …Click here to view this media Judith Miller (now “Judy” for Fox News) makes a crack about Wikileaks’ Julian Assange being a “bad journalist” because –wait for it– JUDITH MILLER:… because he didn’t care at all about attempting to verfiy the information that he was putting out or determine whether or not it would hurt anyone. That’s very interesting coming from Miller, an instrumental component in taking us into the Iraq War, and the subsequent deaths of tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and 4430 American troops. Miller would later say about her role : “[M]y job isn’t to assess the government’s information and be an independent intelligence analyst myself. My job is to tell readers of The New York Times what the government thought about Iraq’s arsenal.” Some have criticized this position, believing that a crucial function of a journalist is independently to assess information, to question sources, and to analyze information before reporting it. Milller’s fall from grace since has taken her to Fox News, and now down to the murky depths of NewsMax, according to Dave Weigel at Slate . The New York Times reporter who quit the paper in 2005 — a casualty of the Valerie Plame scandal and a target of attacks on her pre-war reporting about Iraq’s weapons programs — has a job in print journalism again. She’s a contributing writer at Newsmax, the conservative web and print venture founded in 1998 by Christopher Ruddy and built into a multi-million dollar company. (Miller is on contract, not a full-time staffer, so she’s continuing the Fox gigs etc.)
Continue reading …By Ellen Goodman In little over a century, Americans have gone from a life expectancy of 47 to one of 78. By 2025 there will be 66 million Americans over 65. The decisions that we make individually and collectively about how to spend this gift of time will reshape the country. Related Entries December 31, 2010 War Is Toxic December 31, 2010 Haiti’s Cholera Death Toll Rising
Continue reading …Fake news by Andy Borowitz By Andy Borowitz The Rev. Pat Robertson sparked controversy in Sunday’s broadcast of his “700 Club” program when he claimed that God created the blizzard currently battering the Northeast “to punish Americans who were planning to drive to do something gay.” Related Entries December 31, 2010 War Is Toxic December 31, 2010 Haiti’s Cholera Death Toll Rising
Continue reading …From the New York Times on Thursday, in an item put together with the help of a half-dozen Times reporters (“Inaction and Delays by New York as Storm Bore Down”; bold is mine): … Harry Nespoli, president of the Uniformed Sanitationmen’s Association, said the problems late Sunday ( during the initial stages of the Northeast's post-Christmas snowstorm — Ed. ) underscored how the city could not rely on outside contractors to help with snow removal and other jobs in such storms, particularly during a holiday weekend.
Continue reading …Click here to view this media I started the day with this story in the Times (how great that the corporate media so faithfully completes their assigned propaganda!), and because it made me so grumpy, was happy to turn on This Week With Christiane Amanpour and see Donna Brazile knock back George Will’s Very Serious Take on public employees’ unions. Would that our president were as good at standing up for working people! WILL: There is one national resonance from this, however. In New York City, the issue is tangled up with the question, and it’s an open question, whether the public employees union to make a job action point sabotaged street collection. I believe — and this is entirely tangled up with the state bankruptcy — that the issue of public employees and their dominance of blue states is going to be the biggest issue in this country for the next several years. BRAZILE: No, they’re the scapegoat, George. I mean, when you start cutting state budgets and city budgets, and you start cutting snowplows, and you start cutting the amount of salt that you have stored, that has a real impact on people’s lives. And, you know, the one thing — in terms of Brooklyn and some of the — you know, the other boroughs — they didn’t get snowplowed for two, three days, and so they were upset when Mayor Bloomberg went out and said, “Hey, everything is fine.” And they’re like, we have kids who are — who need hospital treatment, but they can’t — the ambulance cannot get there. George, I know that’s the new baby on — on the wish list, to cut all of these budgets, but when they start cutting these state budgets, people are going to feel it. This, in a nutshell, is the problem with the how Democrats and Republicans govern. It sounds fiscally responsible to cut costs, to shrink the size of the government when speaking in the abstract. But when something happens, Americans WANT to rely on the government to take care of these necessities. Public employees didn’t cause the “Snowpocalypse”. But the constant drumming to cut costs to the bare bones (and sometimes even whittle those bones down further) shows you the danger of not having the resources when you need it.
Continue reading …Click here to view this media Looks like Lindsey Graham is continuing to pander to the extreme right wing of his base, which isn’t too happy with him right now , with this rhetoric. Graham wants to hold raising the debt ceiling hostage even though he admits here that it would not be a good thing to have the United States default on our Treasury obligations. But he wants to use this “opportunity” to raise the retirement age and means test Social Security and Medicare Part D, or in other words, turn them into welfare systems. And as I’ve said before, we all know what Republicans think of welfare. This is nothing more than using the debt ceiling as an excuse to destroy Social Security and our social safety nets in America. Although Graham later admitted that Republicans really didn’t want to shut down the government, he apparently is more than willing to play political games with our entire economy in order to get their last chunk of flesh from the working class. GREGORY: Let me break a few of those things down because it’s important, the level of detail. Let me start with this. You talk about the budget. You talk about spending. How will you vote on the debt ceiling? Will you vote to raise it which is a vote that will come up in relatively short order? GRAHAM: Well to not raise the debt ceiling could be a default of the United States on bond and treasury obligations. That would be very bad for the position of the United States in the world at large but this is an opportunity to make sure that government is changing its spending ways. I will not vote for the debt ceiling increase until I see a plan in place that will deal with our long term debt obligations starting with Social Security, a real bipartisan effort to make sure that Social Security stays solvent, adjusting the age, looking at means tests for benefits. On the spending side I’m not going to vote for a debt ceiling increase unless we go back to 2008 spending levels, cutting discretionary spending… GREGORY: Let me stop you right there Senator. That’s a big condition just on Social Security alone. GRAHAM: Do you think Republicans are prepared to follow you in two things you said; raise the retirement age and means test benefits for older Americans? GRAHAM: I would suggest that if we’re serious about taking America in a new direction and you’re not putting entitlement reform on the table, you’ve missed a great opportunity to change the course of America’s future. And the last election was about change, change that really will make us something other than Greece. I think Pat Toomey, Rand Paul and the other candidates that are new to the Congress that said during the campaign, everything’s on the table when it comes to making America fiscally sound. Let’s see if we can find bipartisan reforms in Social Security before we raise the debt limit. GREGORY: Do you think Sen. McConnell, the leader of the Republicans is going to go along with that? GRAHAM: I hope so. I know that Speaker Boehner is going to produce spending limitation bills every day, but the question for the Republican Party, for the tea party and the Democratic Party, beyond discretionary spending are we willing to look at the debt commission suggestions on entitlement reform and begin to enact those reforms before it’s too late. I hope that this new Congress will do something the other Congresses have never done and that is seriously look at entitlement reform by adjusting the age and means testing benefits, including Medicare Part D. Obama health care needs to be repealed and replaced but the Republican Party created Medicare Part D, a prescription drug entitlement that’s already gotten out of control. I hope we’ll put that on the table for reform. GREGORY: Would you vote to actually scrap that, to take it away? GRAHAM: I would vote to means test it. I would vote to make sure that people with my income level and your income level don’t get their benefit… their prescription drug bill paid by the federal government because we can’t afford it. I would vote to make sure that someone in my income level would have their Social Security benefits renegotiated if they’re under 55, not in a Draconian way but changes we can make now for people 55 and under to avoid a fiscal collapse that’s surely coming if we do nothing. The president said in his speech he wants to work with us. This is a good opportunity to find common ground; entitlement reforms starting with Social Security. Of course, Graham and the rest of the pearl-clutching Republican Party had no problem doubling the national debt under President Bush and raising the debt ceiling seven times , as Jon Perr points out.
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