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Spain Bans Live Bullfights on State TV

Spain’s state television network has banned the airing of live bullfighting, angering fans still reeling from prior restrictions against the “sport” in Catalonia. The network said the ban is designed to protect children from seeing violence in prime viewing hours. —JCL The Guardian: Spain’s state broadcaster, TVE, has banned live bullfighting from its schedule, angering matadors and bullfighting fans who are already smarting over a ban in the eastern region of Catalonia. The broadcaster has decided bullfighting contravenes its code of conduct for programmes before Spain’s 10pm watershed hour, when children are no longer expected to be in front of the television. Most bullfights start at 6pm or 7pm, and the TVE director general, Alberto Oliart, said that meant they fall into children’s viewing hours – when violence to animals cannot be shown. Read more Related Entries January 8, 2011 Arizona Congresswoman Shot (Update 3) January 7, 2011 Mexican Drug War Spills Into Guatemala

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Nine-Year-Old Victim’s Uncle: ‘How Do You Prepare For Something Like This?’

enlarge Greg Segalini, uncle of child victim Christina-Taylor Green, holds her picture.(Photo by Jim Cross/KTAR) Christina-Taylor Green, dead in a political drive-by shooting at the age of nine. Dear God, what has all this hate done to our country? In a sad irony, Christina-Taylor was featured in a book called “Faces of Hope: Babies Born on 9/11.” She was the granddaughter of Dallas Green, the manager who led my beloved Phillies to our first World Series in 1980. She was the only girl on her baseball team, playing second base. She had the baseball genes. TUCSON, Ariz. – A 9-year-old girl was among the five who died in a shooting rampage in Tucson Saturday afternoon. KTAR talked exclusively with her uncle Greg Segalini. He described her as a “typical” girl who was bright, on student council and who loved ballet. Segalini said the girl’s family went to the event to meet Congresswoman Gabreille Giffords. “They just went up there because they were having the political rally. “And the neighbor, who also was shot, thought it would be nice if she brought Christina up to the Safeway, just to you know, just to see it and the next thing you know this happened.” Greg Segalini said his niece’s death still hasn’t sunk in yet. “We, of course, didn’t anticipate. I mean, how do you prepare for something like this?” He said he believes the little girl was shot in the chest. “We went down to the hospital and she was dead.” enlarge If you’d like to do something positive, please make a donation to the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence , or to RBI – Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities . I think she’d have liked that.

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ABC Interviews Friend of Giffords Shooter, Ignores Her Claim He’s Liberal

A friend of the gunman accused of Saturday's tragic shooting spree involving Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) was interviewed on Sunday's “This Week.” For some reason, her claims posted on Twitter Saturday that Jared Lee Loughner was a liberal went completely ignored (video follows with transcript and commentary): read more

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Yes, Jared Loughner was ‘crazy’. That doesn’t exculpate the milieu that unhinged him

Click here to view this media They’re all going to say Jared Loughner is crazy — especially the right-wing hate talkers and Sarah Palin defenders who everybody’s looking at right now. And you know what? They’re right. But that doesn’t mean they’re blameless, either. As I already argued : When the conservative movement’s True Believers are fed a steady diet of extraordinary warnings intended to induce a paranoiac, panicked fear — They’re Destroying America! They Want to End Your Liberty! Health Care Reform is the End of America! — and simultaneously fed a diet of suggestions that the solution is simply to do away with them (see Sean Hannity’s recent bit of eliminationist “humor” ), then what other outcome should you expect? Some are pointing out that Loughner’s old acquaintances describe him — circa 2007 — as “left-wing pothead.” That may well have been true at the time. But if we examine the trail of videos and assorted writings he left behind in recent years, it’s clear that his politics took quite a different swerve to the other side of the road in recent years: it is abundantly clear that he’s now a devoted anti-government conspiracist. In particular, he seems to have developed an obsession with that classic right-wing conspiracy theory: the belief that American currency, since going off the gold standard, has become “fiat money” based on nothing. Likewise, he seems to have bought into beliefs about “government mind control” quite common to right-wing conspiracy theorists. Chip Berlet observes that this is a strain with a long right-wing pedigree: Jared Lee Loughner, the alleged shooter of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others in Arizona shares an obsession with government currency and money manipulation plots with anti-abortion killer John C. Salvi 3d. … Jared Lee Loughner warned about the “current treasonous laws,” and stated he would not “pay debt with a currency that’s not backed by gold and silver!.” He said he could not “trust the current government because of” Constitutional “ratifications; adding that the “government is implying mind control and brainwash on the people controlling grammar (sic).” In recent years some conspiracy theorists on the political right and left have spread similar money plot theories, although they deny any lineage back to historic antisemitic roots. Instead they point to the Populist Party battle over the coinage of silver and gold in the late 1800s, popularized in the book and movie, the Wizard of Oz. Some proponents of the idea of a currency plot in the late 1800s and early 1900s, however, routinely used antisemitic references to Jewish bankers. The obsession with manipulation of currency by secret Jewish plots traces back to the hoax document The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and antisemitic writings by Father Denis Fahey, an adviser to 1930s radio demagogue Father Coughlin, a fascist and an antisemite. The writings of Jared Lee Loughner are an odd jumble of right-wing Patriot and anti-Federal Reserve themes mixed with rhetoric similar to that from people who are mentally unbalanced. It is too early to tell where this story will lead. It is clear, though, that aggressive right-wing rhetoric targeting Democrats as treasonous encourages some unstable people to act out in aggression or violence. In the YouTube videos he left behind, he also discusses his views of what constitutes terrorism — and it’s not exactly coherent: If I define terrorist then a terrorist is a person who employs terror or terrorism, especially as a political weapon. I define terrorist. This, a terrorist is a person who employs terror or terrorism, especially as a political weapon. If you call me a terrorist then the argument to call me a terrorist is Ad hominem. You call me a terrorist. Thus, the argument to call me a terrorist is Ad hominem. He also follows some classic right-wing thinking about revolutionarism: If the property owners and government officials are no longer in ownership of their land and laws from a revolution then the revolutionary’s from the revolution are in control of the land and laws. The property owners and government officials are no longer in ownership of their land and laws from a revolution. Thus, the revolutionary’s from the revolution are in control of the land and laws. And he seems to be obsessed with the Constitution — though he seems to have trouble actually reading it: In conclusion, reading the second United States Constition, I can’t trust the current government because of the ratifications: The government is implying mind control and brainwash on the people by controlling grammar. And then there’s the classic demand to return to the gold standard: No! I won’t pay debt with a currency that’s not backed by gold and silver! No! I won’t trust in God! What’s government if words don’t have meaning? Suffice to say that he’s a very confused young man. Indeed, what we can say clearly is that Jared Loughner — like a lot of people who buy into right-wing conspiracism — believes a lot of things that are provably untrue. He’s a classic demonstration of the unhinging effect that conspiracism and right-wing up-is-downism has on people: once people become unhinged from reality, they inevitably become unhinged in their behavior. It seems doubtful to me, though, that he’ll be able to put up an insanity defense, unless some real illness is uncovered. But what the Fox talkers — especially Beck and O’Reilly — will claim, as they do every time there’s another horrific act of right-wing violence, is that he’s just a nutcase, not right or left, and therefore nobody should be blaming hate talkers on the right for inspiring him. And it’s true — especially in cases where mental illness is potentially at play — that there is limited culpability for being part of the milieu that creates these acts of horror. As it happens, we don’t charge people criminally for aiding and abetting the acts of an insane person by whipping them up into a frenzy. But that doesn’t mean it happens in a vacuum, either, and can thus be dismissed as an “isolated incident” merely. As I wrote some time back : Part of the problem is that we actually have seen this happen time after time after time: A mentally unstable person is inspired by hateful right-wing rhetoric to act out violently — and yet because of that mental state, the matter is dismissed as idiosyncratic, just another “isolated incident.” And over the months and years, these “isolated incidents” mount one after another. But simply ascribing these acts to mental illness is a cop-out. It fails to account for the gross irresponsibility of the people who employed the rhetoric that inspired the violent action in the first place, and their resulting moral culpability. … The problem is that this has happened more than “on occasion” — rather, there is a history of this kind of violence, and there’s a consistent pattern to it. What’s most noteworthy is that the violence expands with the increasing use of eliminationist rhetoric. When people look at the Gwatney shooting and ask “Why?” — as so many are — that history and that pattern are a good place to start looking. The hate talkers may not be directly to blame, but they are morally and ethically culpable. But there is culpability nonetheless. The bottom line is being accountable for the words we use : Because we believe in freedom of speech and freedom of thought, there will probably always be haters like Richard Poplawski among us. Inevitably they will be driven by fear: the fear of difference. Because to them, difference of any kind is a threat. And what we know from experience about volatile, unstable actors like them is that they can be readily induced into violent action by hateful rhetoric that demonizes and dehumanizes other people. And thanks to human nature and those same freedoms, we will certainly always have fearmongering demagogues among us. But the purveyors of such profoundly irresponsible rhetoric need to be called on it — especially when they hold the nation’s media megaphones.

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Howard Kurtz Denounces Media for Blaming Giffords Shooting on Palin

As NewsBusters has been reporting since Saturday's tragic shooting spree happened in Tucson, liberal media members have predictably blamed the incident on prominent conservatives, in particular former Alaska governor Sarah Palin. Appearing as almost the lone voice of reason, the Daily Beast's Howard Kurtz Saturday evening denounced his colleagues for behaving so unprofessionally (photo courtesy AP): read more

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Remember When Beck Ridiculed Pelosi For Speaking Out Against Violent Tea Party Rhetoric?

I’m waiting for Glenn Beck to finally apologize. I’m waiting for him to acknowledge that violent rhetoric can and does influence mentally unbalanced people , and that a line has been so clearly crossed , even Glenn Beck has regrets. When you tell people Obama’s planning to kill them , that has consequences. When you warn people of an impending Reichstag moment and power grab , you’re targeting our leaders. When Byron Williams, armed to the teeth and wearing body armor, drives to San Francisco to shoot officials of the Tides Foundation and hopefully start a revolution, was it a coincidence that you’d targeted them with your violent rhetoric? When your fan Richard Poplowski became so convinced that the Obama administration would take his guns that he gunned down three Pittsburgh policemen , you planted those seeds. What’s that old saying? “Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.” You can hide behind the flag, Mr. Beck, but now everyone sees you for who you are. You’re a liar, and a bully, and a thug. You incite other people and sit back, counting your cash. Shame on you. You’re a twisted excuse for a human being, and your words led to the death of other human beings. No, you didn’t pull the trigger — but neither did Charles Manson. Dave blogged about it back in real time : Click here to view this media Beck: Look — Timothy McVeigh — nutjob! Nutjob! On the fringe of the right! That, President Clinton tried to blame on Rush Limbaugh. It was ridiculous then, and it’s ridiculous now. Harvey Milk — killed by a guy who was hepped up on Twinkies. It was ridiculous then — it’s ridiculous now. The shooter — and Timothy McVeigh — crazy people! It’s madness. Expect to hear this a lot more in the coming days.

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Within Minutes of Shooting, CNN Finds Local Liberal to Blame State’s ‘Rabid Right’ and Gun ‘Fetish’

Within minutes of reporting the horrific shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and other innocents in Tucson, as the early reports wrongly cited Giffords as dead, CNN found a local liberal cartoonist/columnist to suggest the violence was “inevitable” because local conservatives had been “stoking the fires of heater anger and rage.” When CNN anchor Martin Savidge pointed out there was no information yet on the shooter, the cartoonist acknowledged “That is correct,” and then added blame to the state's “fetish” for guns and repeated his attack on the “rabid right.” The CNN anchor buttered him up by saying “We do appreciate your insights” even as he repeated there was no evidence. The liberal cartoonist was David Fitzsimmons of the Arizona Daily Star: MARTIN SAVIDGE: I want to turn to David Fitzsimmons who is with the “Arizona Daily Star,” a political cartoonist. He is on the scene at Safeway. David, are you there? DAVID FITZSIMMONS, “ARIZONA DAILY STAR” (via telephone): I'm pretty shaken, frankly. This is a very surreal dream-like experience.

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Olbermann Suggests Palin & Other Conservatives ‘Slightly Less Madmen’ Than Gunman, Apologizes for Past Violent Suggestions
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Dana Bash Calls Arizona Shooting a ‘Wake Up Call’ for ‘Both Parties’ to Tone Down Rhetoric

Click here to view this media We had to know this was coming, didn’t we? Let the false equivalencies begin: LEMON: Dana, before the break, I talked to you about the mood and the tone in Washington and politics these days. We know it’s out there. We’ve seen what’s been happening on social media, some people blaming, you know, certain members, certain elected and non-elected members. We don’t know the motivation yet but does this send some sort of signal to us and to our law makers about how we view politics and tone? BASH: Well, you’re absolutely right, we don’t know the motivation but regardless something like this tends to be… tends to be a wake up call and we’ve already heard from some members of Congress who have been on our air earlier today saying that they do hope that this is a wake up call, a wake up call for both parties to try to get out… get the word out their to their supporters, to constituents, to maybe even the blogosphere, which is not easy, to tone it down a little bit. You know we actually got a statement from John McCain, the senior Senator from Gabby Giffords’ home state of Arizona, who obviously didn’t point the finger that way but was very, very strong and I think maybe indicative of what we’re talking about. He said “Whoever did this, whatever reason they are a disgrace to Arizona, this country and the human race” and he said “They deserve and will deserve the contempt of all decent people and the strongest punishment of the law.” When you’re hearing a Republican like John McCain say that and we’re hearing John Boehner and other Republicans say that, it’s hard to imagine that there isn’t going to be a coming together of some sort of both the parties in Congress after this. If anyone needs to be told to tone down their rhetoric, it’s John McCain and his former running mate, Sarah Palin. Sorry Dana, but “both sides” don’t have a 24/7 hate television network and hate radio spreading lies and whipping up the fear and anger in their audience week after week. And there aren’t any Democratic politicians out there doing what Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann and company have done with repeating eliminationist rhetoric at every opportunity. No one does know what this man’s motivation was in this shooting yet, but when it comes to the politicians who obviously have little concern if this type of tragedy could end up being the result of their rhetoric, there’s just one side that needs to get that message, and it’s the Republicans and their enablers on Fox and right-wing hate radio. We don’t have any Democratic members of Congress out there telling their constituents to “reload’ or that we need investigations looking into whether they’re anti-American or not.

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