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You’re Welcome

By Mike Luckovich Related Entries January 17, 2011 Apple’s Personality in Chief Takes Medical Leave January 13, 2011 From the Publisher Who Brought You the New Huck Finn

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World Domination

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World Domination

By Mr. Fish Related Entries January 17, 2011 Apple’s Personality in Chief Takes Medical Leave January 13, 2011 From the Publisher Who Brought You the New Huck Finn

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The Global Rush for Green Jobs

This line from a BBC article about a $150 million tidal power project that will be partially built and deployed in India speaks to the highly competitive global market for the jobs of the future: “As much of the manufacturing as possible will take place in Gujarat, taking advantage of the skills base in India’s booming wind turbine industry.” BBC: The biggest operating tidal station in the world, La Rance in France, generates 240MW, while South Korea is planning several large facilities. To claim the title of “Asia’s first”, the Indian project will have to outrun developments at Sihwa Lake, a South Korean tidal barrage under construction on the country’s west coast. Read more Related Entries January 17, 2011 Apple’s Personality in Chief Takes Medical Leave January 13, 2011 From the Publisher Who Brought You the New Huck Finn

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Obama Pulls a Clinton

By Robert Scheer Here we go again. When Bill Clinton suffered an electoral reversal after his first two years in office, he abruptly embraced the corporate money guys who had financed his congressional opposition in an effort to purchase a second term. Related Entries January 18, 2011 Chinese Workers Are Not the Enemy January 18, 2011 Half of Younger Americans Have Pre-Existing Conditions

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Chinese Workers Are Not the Enemy

Led by Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), members of Congress are demanding that China reverse its pro-labor policies or … the US will do the same. If the Chinese don’t revalue their currency, we will slap tariffs on their goods. Of course Congress should help American workers, but curbing the appetites of our own executives would be a far better place to start. Hurting Chinese workers, however, is not what American workers need. American workers need jobs and access to the Chinese market and Chinese workers need jobs and technology, and Volvo provides a model of how we can make both sides happy. Under its new Chinese ownership, product development and production for Volvo’s European and American markets take place in Sweden, while production for the Chinese market, with the same technology, takes place in China. China is not the problem, it’s just Congress’ latest excuse for abandoning the American worker. Moshe Adler teaches economics at Columbia University and at the Harry Van Arsdale Center for Labor Studies at Empire State College. He is the author of “Economics for the Rest of Us: Debunking the Science That Makes Life Dismal” (The New Press, 2010). Related Entries January 18, 2011 Parenting: To Push or Not to Push January 16, 2011 My Dream

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The Gulag Prisoners of Pennsylvania

In a recent story titled “A Push to Privatize Pennsylvania Liquor Stores,” New York Times reporter Katharine Seelye described a state-owned liquor store in Forest City, Pa. that ran out of eggnog before Christmas and concluded that customers of these stores are “like prisoners in the gulag” who “can only fantasize about buying their wine and liquor in a competitive free market.”

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Genre: Broadcast Title: Papercuts Broadcast singer Trish Keenan died on January 14 at the age of 42. The band’s mix of dark electronica, mixed with Keenan’s Sixties vocal style, set them apart from their counterparts in the electronica scene. May she rest in peace.

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Why any good Democrat would think the focal point of the deficit is the most important thing that President Obama should be talking about in the SOTU is beyond me. Atrios: By accounts Christina Romer is one of the better members of Tribe Econ, but the idea that it’s good politics to talk about the deficit in the State of the Union is insane, and the idea that it will be good for policy to have the political dialogue focused on the deficit, as opposed to, you know, JOBS, is even more insane. We are doomed. Focusing on the deficit only strengthens the GOP’s hold over this administration and the media narrative, when what Americans are really interested in JOBS. Republicans only care about the deficit when they can use it like a sledgehammer to pulverize any Democratic administration as a way to justify their insane beliefs that the working class are only cattle to be used as goods. You have to read Chrystia Freeland’s article: The Rise of the New Global Elite. It’s an excellent piece that delves into the Randian/Super Elite mindset. How do you think they feel about the American worker? The U.S.-based CEO of one of the world’s largest hedge funds told me that his firm’s investment committee often discusses the question of who wins and who loses in today’s economy. In a recent internal debate, he said, one of his senior colleagues had argued that the hollowing-out of the American middle class didn’t really matter. “His point was that if the transformation of the world economy lifts four people in China and India out of poverty and into the middle class, and meanwhile means one American drops out of the middle class, that’s not such a bad trade,” the CEO recalled. I heard a similar sentiment from the Taiwanese-born, 30-something CFO of a U.S. Internet company. A gentle, unpretentious man who went from public school to Harvard, he’s nonetheless not terribly sympathetic to the complaints of the American middle class. “We demand a higher paycheck than the rest of the world,” he told me. “So if you’re going to demand 10 times the paycheck, you need to deliver 10 times the value. It sounds harsh, but maybe people in the middle class need to decide to take a pay cut.” At last summer’s Aspen Ideas Festival, Michael Splinter, CEO of the Silicon Valley green-tech firm Applied Materials, said that if he were starting from scratch, only 20 percent of his workforce would be domestic. “This year, almost 90 percent of our sales will be outside the U.S.,” he explained. “The pull to be close to the customers—most of them in Asia—is enormous.” Speaking at the same conference, Thomas Wilson, CEO of Allstate, also lamented this global reality: “I can get [workers] anywhere in the world. It is a problem for America, but it is not necessarily a problem for American business … American businesses will adapt.” Americans businesses will adapt, which means that the American worker will suffer and suffer badly. Richard Wolffe reported that Obama will work with the business community, and I guess that will lead into regulations, or the gutting thereof. Darry Issa already is asking business what regulations they want him to attack so we know where his committee is headed. With the GOP’s help, they can continue to make their fortunes off of the backs of our workers with no remorse or regard to the Tea Party fetish of cutting Social Security, unemployment, medicaid/medicare and the destruction of all unions. The Military Complex will of course not be called on to sacrifice any of their federal dollars, only the working class. President Obama needs to champion the cause of the working class and make the case that he will not allow these programs to be compromised.

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Bozell Column: Who Is Eric Fuller?

OK, so conservatives have to be accused of fostering hatred with our alleged vitriol, the kind of vitriol which fuels the flames of violence, like we witnessed in Tucson except – well, except there wasn’t, and isn’t, a shred of evidence that the killer was influenced by any conservatives since a) he didn’t listen to or watch conservative programming and b) isn’t a conservative. There is the hypothetical question: What if the perpetrator of violence were liberal? How would the media react then? How many would put Chris Matthews, Paul Krugman, Keith Olbermann and Co. on trial for creating the “atmosphere” of “hatred” so often ascribed to conservatives only? In fact, it happened. One of Jared Loughner’s shooting victims was a local leftist activist, Eric Fuller, who last week was invited to ABC’s taping of an “American Conversation.” There, in front of all the cameras, he interrupted a local Tea Party activist by uttering what should be considered in this atmosphere to be a blood-curdling threat:

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Right-wingers want to make Obama’s message in Tucson into vindication for their hatemongering

Click here to view this media You just knew that when President Obama issued his call for a return to civility last week in Tucson , folks on the right would happily embrace the simple standard he elucidated — “It’s important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we’re talking with each other in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds” — to everyone but themselves. Sure enough, there was Bloviating BillO last night on Fox, complaining because that evil liberal Richard Cohen had called Sarah Palin stupid, and Bill Maher said that the Founders would despise the Tea Partiers: Delightful. Now, I don’t hold Mr. Maher to the same standard as The Washington Post because he’s a comedian, a man who makes a living expressing a point of view. But apparently the president’s point of view, more civility, is not being embraced by Mr. Maher. Also, I’ve gotten a lot of mail asking me why I don’t come down on right-wing talk radio, and it’s the same thing: Talk radio is entertainment. People on there make a living expressing opinions. It’s not a news forum; therefore the standards are not the same. Of course not — they exist in the zone known as the Fox Double Standard: If it attack liberals and Democrats, it’s OK. Otherwise not. And then he gets into outright projection: Immediately after President Obama’s speech last Wednesday, “Talking Points” said that the call for civility would most likely not be answered, and we pointed to the money train as the primary reason. Once again, there is big money in the hate industry, and it’s easy to attack people. Indeed there is — after all, look at all the dough Fox is rolling in. And he’s right: Obama’s call to civility most likely will not be answered … by ANYONE on the Right. They’re too busy pretending their vicious, violent and eliminationist rhetoric has no effect on people. Especially rhetoric that singles out people for demonization and elimination. Rhetoric like this: Click here to view this media O’REILLY: So you would like to see the same kind of situation that happened after 9/11 attack now, where they would all come out and say, “Enough with this crap”? BECK: Of course. O’REILLY: Right. BECK: Every American wants that. What I… O’REILLY: Not every American. George Soros doesn’t want that. BECK: Frances Fox Piven doesn’t want that. O’REILLY: Who is Frances Fox Piven? BECK: Cloward-Piven, from the 1960s. That’s a theory that was inspired by the Watts riots and is being used right now. And she is actively, actively — Columbia University professor used to be. I think she’s — at CUNY now. But she is actively saying, “Rise up, embrace your anger. Turn on your bosses, turn on the politicians.” O’REILLY: All right. She’s Black Panther. Overthrow, kill the pigs. BECK: She is — she stands with the Clintons. Signing. She’s very… O’REILLY: Still around? BECK: Oh, yes. Yeah, that’s some civility standard. Oh, but I forget — O’Reilly obviously operates inside the Fox double Standard Zone too.

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