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Want to Drill for Oil in Greenland? That’ll be $2 Billion

Photo: christine zenino (chrissy575) Flickr, CC Now that the whole BP spill debacle is over and done with — since the oil’s all gone and every Gulf resident is again healthy , h… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Share Your Message for the World with mosaic:EARTH and Harmony

Photo credit: TckTckTck HRH The Prince of Wales has released his latest book, Harmony , detailing a new approach to understanding the world—and living in it. In an effort to bring these ideas to the largest audience possible, a film, inspired by the book and sharing the same name, will air on NBC this Friday. In addition, TckTckTck is launching mosaic:EARTH , a cutting edge collaborative media project that uni… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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New 2011 Hyundai Elantra Rated 40 MPG on Highway

Photo: Hyundai Joining the 40 MPG Club (On the Highway, Anyway…) As usual with these types of announcements, I feel ambivalent: On one hand, it’s not a major breakthrough, it’s one more gasoline car (better to walk, bike, or take transit)… But on the other hand, it was only a few short years ago when car makers could only brag about their new massive gas guzzlers and nobody in North-America paid much attention to the small car segment, leaving consumers with only a few stagnant choices. At least now there’s some progress, and if people are going to buy cars, they might as well ha… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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On the Street….Pizzicheria, Rome
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We Can Use Cell-Phone Towers to Forecast Wind Power

Photos: Onsemble/ Flickr , CC. Goal: Accurate Wind Forecasts The more wind farms we build, the more our power grid will have to incorporate mechanisms to deal with the inherent variability of a wind farm’s output. Part of that will probably be accomplished by having more long-distance transmission capacity and interconnecting regional grids , another part might come from

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The Prince of Wales Offers a New Way of Looking at the World

Photo credit: Harper Collins Publishers Some might argue that with offshore wind and vast solar arrays, smart grids and electric cars, pollution limits and trading schemes, and a burgeoning economy of clean technology and services, it is likely that humanity has all the necessary tools to solve the planet’s mounting problems. The challenge, it has been said many times , is to find a way to wield these tools that is quick, just, and effective. It’s a challenge, HRH The Prince of Wales argues in his new book

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iSuppli Forecasts 15.8GW of Solar PV in 2010, 19.3GW in 2011

Photo: Flickr , CC Solid Solar Growth Market reserach firm iSuppli’s latest forecast for the solar power industry is out, and the predictions for total installed capacity in 2010 and 2011 are pretty positive. The forecast for 2010 was increased from 14.2 gigawatts (GW) to 15.8 GW, in good part thanks to stronger than expected demand in Germany. If accurate, this would represent 118.7% growth from 7.2GW in 2009! But sadly, 2011 won’t see another 100%+ increase; the forecast for that year is of 19.3 GW, down a bit from the pre… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Angry Bulls Attack Spectators in Mexico and Canada

For hundreds of years, humans have crowded stadiums to watch the abuse and killing of bulls for sport — but in two recent incidents in Canada and Mexico, the angry animals managed to leap into the stands, injuring spectators. Such apparent desperation on the part of the animals is reigniting que… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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2005 Proves Hardest Year on Caribbean Corals…Until 2010?

Photo via NOAA Heat stress on corals is major news lately, with several record-breaking bleachings of late . But scientists are still working to measure the impact of coral bleachings that occurred back in 2005 — a year that caused record losses in the Atlantic and Caribbean. Reports show that over 80% of the corals surveyed that year experienced bleaching, and 40% of them died, making it the most severe bleaching ever recorde… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Release Of Sterile Pests May Help Eliminate Need For Genetically Modified Crops

Pink cotton bollworms on cotton boll. Image credit:excerpted from image on Wikipedia Mass release of sterile crop pests can be a practical control strategy (presumably even for organic farmers). As reported by SciDevNet , ‘release of sterile insects has successfully lowered populations of the Mediterranean fruit fly in Guatemala, Mexico and the United States; screw-worms in Central America, Libya and the United States; and tsetse flies in Za… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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