Photo: Vidor , Wikimedia, CC In its haste to jump-start “shovel-ready” stimulus projects, the Obama administration allowed many of the biggest polluters in the nation to sidestep key environmental regulations. The federal government made a stunning 179,000 “categorical exclusions” that allowed corporations — many with disastrous environmental records — to use stimulus funding to sponsor projects without submitting them to review under … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …If trends continue, the Sumatra elephant may soon only survive in captivity. Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons Five endangered Sumatran elephants have been found dead in Indonesia and authorities believe they were poisoned by farmers. With fewer than 3,000 individuals surviving in increasingly fragmented groups, the loss to the species is severe—and the latest example of a trend that threatens the elephant’s survival…. Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Image via Keith Fiore We’ve seen some crazy ideas for getting rid of space debris, a problem that sounds absurd in itself but is actually a real issue for satellites and even astronauts in the International Space Station. However, Russia is set on a concept that they think is worth serious investment — about a $2 billion investment. Energia, Russia’s space corporation, is planning to build a “pod” that will knock junk out of orbit … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Photo by Ezra Gregg via DC Central Kitchen/ Guest bloggers Andrea Donsky and Randy Boyer are co-founders of . Convincing kids to eat healthy foods is tough, but getting parents to come over to the healthy school lunch camp can be even tougher. A few of the moms at my kids school have been wag… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Image via Abe’s Market Do you ever wonder who makes the stuff you buy? Ever want that farmer’s market feel, where you connect with the source of what you’re buying, but for all the non-food goods in your life? That satisfaction is increasingly hard to come by, especially as we turn to the internet and major chain retailers for more and more of our shopping, but Abe’s Market is changing that. … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Countdown counters are pretty common for pedestrians, letting them know how much time they have to cross. Drivers could use them too, and might even save a bit of time and energy if they were ready to roll when the light changed. Thanva Tivawong has designed this very clever interpretation of a traffic signal that could only work with LEDs. This is so much better than the tired old designs that have been around forever…. Read the full story on TreeHugger
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