Image credit: Aaron Maret TreeHugger founder Graham Hill is trying to radically reduce his footprint and live happily with less space, less stuff and less waste on less money, but with more design. He calls it ” LifeEdited. ” You can help: Enter the LifeEdited design competition and win up to $70,000 in prizes and the opportunity to design the apartment! LifeEdited sponsor Architizer presents Aaron… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Flickr Commons I caught a fish once; the hook went right through its eye. It was too small to keep and I was disgusted as I pulled the hook out, the eye came with it. I never fished again. Fishing friends told me not to feel bad, as fish don’t feel pain; Jennifer Viegas at Discovery News says otherwise. She talks to Victoria Braithwaite, Professor of Fisheries and Biology, School of Forest Resources, Pennsylvania… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Editor’s note: Though TreeHugger normally writes about the environmental aspects of yoga, over the weekend Jessica wondered whether a religious group can really own yoga , referring to an awareness campaign about the origins of yoga by the Hindu American Foundation . Well, HAF contacted us asking if they could reply to the Jessica’s article, which seemed only fair — even if we’re momentarily deviating from our normal green-themed content. The following is a guest post by Sheetal Shah, Senior Director of HAF… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …For the last four years, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has been fighting off the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) and other certification programs in their attempts to have their programs recognized by the US Green Building Council (USGBC) and get that single LEED point for sustainably harvested lumber. The proposed changes that would have opened up the certification were put to a vote and the results are in: The status quo remains.
Continue reading …Image credit: Rhys Alton , used under Creative Commons license. There’s no doubt that religion and spirituality can be a divisive subject. I’ve asked before whether green religion will sink us or save us , and suggested that preaching at people is not the best way to win green converts . A similar debate seems to be hotting up within the T… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …FHA Report via Dvice For decades, the pneumatic tube was the fastest way to move the printed word; huge networks existed in Paris, Prague and Pneu York . But as the need for moving paper was replaced by fax and then email, the networks were mostly closed down. But Matthew Lasar of Ars Technica writes that in the UK, on… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Photo credit: NASA Goddard For coastal regions around the world, the threat of hurricanes —strong storms fueled by warm air and water—is a seasonal reality. Each year, storm cells form over the ocean and begin moving towards land, sometimes growing into massive tropical cyclones—like Hurricane Gordon, seen here—capable of causing damage with heavy rain,
Continue reading …Photos: La Remera. La Remera is a new company from Argentina that makes basic t-shirts from noble materials such as Pima cotton under a responsible production system, adopting the BoGo model: for every purchase, it’s committing to donate one t-shirt to children from rural schools in the country. The company was founded by Ariel Estanga, an Argentine designer that worked for huge fashion companies like Zara –guilty of producing tons of cheap cl… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …A pond in Meigs County contaminated with coal ash Image: Elisa Young/Meigs Citizens Action Now! Elisa Young became active against coal when she started wondering what was making people in her town so sick. She lives in Racine, a town in Meigs County, Ohio, which is not near any major cities, but is near several major power plants. Four plants are located within 12 miles from her farm—although there is a push to open more—and there’s coal ash everywhere. So she started to put two and two together. We’re approaching the two-year anniversary of the
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