The blue areas in this image represent changes in elevation of the ice sheet from 2003-2006; the grey areas represent no change in elevation. Image: NASA Goddard Photo and Video / Creative Commons . We’ve all heard that the Greenland Ice Sheet is melting and that should it disappear completely some really dr… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Satellite image of bottom trawlers off Louisiana Coast; photo via Wikimedia Commons In a great victory on the path to more sustainable fishing, Oceana has announced Belize banned all forms of bottom trawling in its country waters. Effective December 31, 2010, the incredibly destructive fishing practice will be no more for Belize, helping to preserve its reef system and maintain the World Heritage Site status of its barrier reef system…. Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …A teensy-weensy Brookesia Chameleon. Photo: Will Burrard-Lucas Believe it or not, this lizard is actually a full-grown adult, measuring about an inch in length — making it one of the smallest reptiles on the planet. Find more on this little critter and the arrest of a smuggler of thousands of endangered spiders, videos of jaguar fishing, lion cubs swimming, and more in the Week in Animal News.
Continue reading …images credit aat+makoto yokomizo architects TreeHugger founder Graham Hill is trying to radically reduce his footprint and live happily with less space, less stuff and less waste on less money, but with more design. He calls it “LifeEdited.” You can help: Enter the LifeEdited design competition and win up to $70,000 in prizes and the opportunity to design the apartment! You really need to have a life edited to live in these tiny Japanese apartments designed by
Continue reading …Image via Google ChromeOS video Google has launched the ChromeOS laptop , which is built for working on the web — you are mainly on the cloud using Google Docs and other programs while working from the laptop. As such, your data is constantly saved in the cloud, rather than on a laptop, so you’re not at risk of losing data should your computer crash. This isn’t a surprise — for anyone who has ever used a Google Docs program, it’s a big duh that you can access your data from any computer, and don’t lose it if yo… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Image: mjb84 via flickr One more item to add to the list of reasons it’s getting harder to hate Walmart : its Acres for America program is working to preserve hundreds of thousands of acres of wildlife habitat…. Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Image credit: Friends of the Earth UK While some see it as the only viable way to curb our carbon emissions, and there is evidence that the EU’s carbon trading scheme has helped reduce emissions , the fact that the global carbon market has grown to over $136 billion has some people worried. Very worried. Given the ongoing fall out from the latest financial crisis, and the
Continue reading …Photo by andy.v via Flickr Creative Commons Butterflies are one of the major pollinators and a vital component to a functioning ecosystem. We’ve seen dips in butterfly populations worldwide, and the latest report from Butterfly Conservation Europe is that 17 species of grassland butterflies are in a dramatic decline across Europe, with as much as a 70% drop in numbers over the last 20 years. The loss of butterflies means a loss of flower-rich meadows, which could have a trickle effect impacting mammals, birds and other species. … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Photo: the Independent O.k.; which one is the real panda and which is the scientist? It’s a tough one: scientists in China are dressing up as pandas in order to prepare the bears for release into the wild. Pandas are an endangered species, there are just 2,500 left and they can’t get too used to human contact because it will make them too tame. … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Photo: USFWS Endangered Species / CC In the middle of the last century, things weren’t looking good for the majestic Short-tailed Albatross. From a hardy population estimated to be in the millions just decades earlier, the bird’s numbers underwent a dramatic decline from over-hunting — nearly disappearing from th… Read the full story on TreeHugger
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