Why Is There Still an Endocrine Disruptor In My Toothpaste? Almost five years ago John claimed There’s A Frog Disruptor In My Soap , and ever since we have been wondering why a chemical that does more harm than good is in our deodorants, hand cleaners and even our toothpaste. The FDA is studying it and now the EPA is looking closely as well. The EPA gets a look-in on what one would think was FDA turf because of those tad… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Read more: Today on Planet 100: A Guide to a Greener Holiday Season (Video News)
Continue reading …Image: joost j. bakker via flickr Still waiting for the opportunity to report some good news on coal ash , but unfortunately, that’s not today. Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) has sent a letter to the Pennsylvania State Auditor complaining about the disposal of toxic coal ash into abandoned mines, causing water pollution and toxic vapors, all under the c… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …There’s No Such Thing As Free Parking Earlier this year we quoted economist Tyler Cowen about the cost of free parking: Many suburbanites take free parking for granted, whether it’s in the lot of a big-box store or at home in the driveway. Yet the presence of so many parking spaces is an artifact of regulation and serves as a powerful subsidy to cars and car trips. But how many spaces are there, and what is the environmental impact of them?… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Photo: Inhabitat Clean coal is friendlier-sounding euphemism for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), the technological conceit of snagging emissions belched out by coal plants and storing them under ground in order to keep them from entering the atmosphere. CCS has long been touted as a clean energy solution, and a political means of reassuring coal states that their lifeblood isn’t too dirty to burn after all. Of course, there are plenty of problems with CCS — the latest … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Despite the modest successes (and obvious failures) of the latest climate summit in Cancun, the AP reports that there was one major force obstructing international progress that went unnamed throughout the talks. There was a massive “elephant in the room”, according to the AP , that “nobody wanted to talk about.” Any guesses as to which elephant the AP was referring to? I’ll give you a hint — it’s big, powerful, ideologically unified, and it gene… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …This really probably won’t come as much of a surprise, but
Continue reading …Bag Monsters demonstrating in support of banning single-use shopping bags. Photo: Bag Monster Blog. A growing number of cities and states around the world are taking on the blight of plastic shopping bags , but San Jose, California has just taken things to another level–passing a new ordinance that bans giving out free single-use carryout bags altogether . … Read the full story on TreeHugger
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