Image Credit Marta Ascani According to Tourism Milan, the city was the first in Europe to install electric lighting and an electric tram system. They claim that “it was a revolution, a mega event destined to change habits and lifestyles. In virtue of these important novelties Milan could count itself one of the most avant-garde European cities.” Now they are at the forefront of another lighting revolution, doing a Festiv… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …photo: Alexander Kaiser / Creative Commons It’s tempting to think that in the fight against rising obesity rates in the US simply taxing soda (or pop, depending on your upbringing) will help slow our collectively expanding waistline. A new piece by Miller-McCune highlights some new research… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Image via Alternative Consumer Here is an interesting concept for rainwater catchment. Created by Mostafa Bonakdar, a design student from Tehran, Iran, the structure is both a shelter during rain as well as a drinking fountain. It features both solar power and rainwater collection, with the solar power running a purification system inside. … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Image Credit: Lloyd Alter, from New York City: A Cyclists’ Paradise? The New York Times hosts an interesting five-way debate on the Bike Lanes of New York , the upcoming Scorsese sequel where cyclists with heavy chains duke it out with drivers with tire irons. It is about New York, but the issues really are universal. Sam Staley calls bike lanes A Subsidy for the Few :
Continue reading …Photo via .reid. ; energy logo via FTC Television shopping will be a little easier starting next year. According to a new amendment to the Federal Trade Commission’s Appliance Labeling Rule, any TVs manufactured after May 10, 2011 will have to have an EnergyGuide label on display so consumers know what to expect from different models when it comes to their energy bill. … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Image credit: 1080 Films From Wangaari Maathai’s Billion Tree campaign to lush permaculture landscapes in Jordan , we’ve seen how individuals and communities can reverse desertification and bring life back to arid soils. Now a new dramatized documentary brings us the story of Yacouba Sawadogo, an illiterate African farmer whose pioneering techniques have, according to one expert, don… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …We are a friendly, service driven family practice in the Los Angeles area—just minutes away from all the major studios—whose number one goal is patient satisfaction. Our team takes pride in providing services and products that meet or exceed our patients’ expectations.
Continue reading …Image via Technabob Solar powered e-readers. It was just a matter of time, right? LG put out a solar powered e-reader prototype over a year ago, though the solar cell was embedded in a case, rather than the device itself. When looking at Toshiba’s latest e-reader, we’re starting to think that LG might have been on the smarter track. … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Life-saving malaria nets help protect women and children in Africa. Photo: ABC Home & Planet ABC Carpet & Home offers a wide array of gifts in their department stores, from vintage and antiques to artisan indigenous pieces from cooperatives around the world, but it is gifts of compassion, from their non-profit arm ABC Home & Planet Foundation , that I’d like to highlight as a last-minute holiday gift suitable for anytime of the year. … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Image via Wikipedia The varroa mite has been the bane of honeybee colonies, and has even been blamed to a certain extent for colony collapse disorder. Beekeepers have few weapons against the mite, but researchers have just created what could be the answer to dealing with Varroa destructor . By isolating genes that can be tricked into putting the mite in “self-destruct” mode, the scientists may have devised a chemical-free way to help honeybees with a mi… Read the full story on TreeHugger
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