Image credit: Sploid TreeHugger has pointed out the environmental costs of going to the gym before; I have been using this silly photograph that says it all since 2006. Now Sara points out in her post The Hidden Dangers of the Gym: Grimy and Downright Nasty that they also harbour CA-MRSA (Community acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), and could “make you sick, Really, really sick.” Sara notes that “The deadly infection is linked to more than 18,000 deaths per year in the US.” But you know what will make you sicke… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …photo: Marcin Wichary / Creative Commons Given climate change’s complexity, anything that breaks it down into more intellectually digestible bits without dumbing it down is a good thing. The latest in that category comes from Skeptical Science (via
Continue reading …Three Gorges Dam. Photo by Britrob via Flickr Creative Commons Knowing that China is hurting for water , it comes as no surprise that the country is setting aside a massive $30 billion for water conservation during 2011. China’s rapid growth could be stalled by water shortages , which is needed for everything from manufacturing to mining to generating ele… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …There are only an estimated 116 wild Asian elephants in Cambodia’s Seima Protection Area, and until now most of the photographic evidence of them has be taken by camera traps. New footage released by the Wildlife Conservation Society changes that. The short video, a screengrab of which is above ( here’s the original footage ), taken back in August by Allan Michaud shows a male elephant feeding on grass. … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Photo via The Way We See The World Back in July we showed you Jelloware, cups made from Jell-O that make a far less wasteful solution for parties, festivals, and other events where minimizing trash is a must. The cups can be eaten, or simply tossed on the ground where the ingredients break down and help grass grow better (also a big plus for outdoor music festivals). After our coverage during the summer, the design company The Way We See The World had so many requests from people wanting to buy the product that they’ve come up with a solution for getting the colorful and creative cups to sto… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Image credit: joiseyshowaa , used under Creative Commons license. The thing I love about The Guardian’s cycling blog is that it manages to masterfully tread (pedal?) that fine line between the practical and the philosophical. From discussing how to keep your feet warm biking in winter to talking about what you should do if you see a bike thief , ther… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Photo: North Circular The North Circular ‘s chic knits are perfect for current winter temps, but they’re dually suited for cooler spring days and breezy summer nights. We’ve covered the UK-based knitwear label that uses only ethical wool– knitted by grannies, supported by supermodels –from Wensleydale sheep that graze on organic land before, but their most recent collection of soft, cozy knits for spring 2011–now available for men–is oh so crush-worthy: … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Photo courtesy frankh via flickr and Creative Commons license. While the debate rages on about whether New York’s bike lanes are working right or hardly working at all, out here on the west coast in Bike City, U.S.A. (aka Portland, Oregon) there’s a different question to ponder as the New Year approaches. Portland has moved ahead with thousands of sharrows , miles of new bike paths and some
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