Researchers report that infants fed cow milk formula gained more weight more quickly than infants fed protein hydrolysate formulas, which are also known as hypoallergenic formulas meant for babies who have problems digesting certain proteins. Researchers report that infants fed cow milk formula gained more weight more quickly than infants fed protein hydrolysate formulas, which are also known as hypoallergenic formulas meant for babies who have problems digesting certain proteins.
Continue reading …Teen girls now have as much noise-induced hearing loss as boys. It’s not — yet — linked to increased use of MP3 players, although experts fear such damage may show up in their 20s.
Continue reading …DEXA bone density scans: Will you glide into your golden years or live out a fractured fairy tale?
Continue reading …Image credit: Sploid TreeHugger has pointed out the environmental costs of going to the gym before; I have been using this silly photograph that says it all since 2006. Now Sara points out in her post The Hidden Dangers of the Gym: Grimy and Downright Nasty that they also harbour CA-MRSA (Community acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), and could “make you sick, Really, really sick.” Sara notes that “The deadly infection is linked to more than 18,000 deaths per year in the US.” But you know what will make you sicke… Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …Millions of Americans take multivitamins in the name of better health. Should you be one?
Continue reading …Photo: hotelcasavelas2 I’m not much of a fan of the gym . It’s not that I don’t like to sweat, but I’d prefer to do it outdoors, or at home atop my yoga mat. But for many of us it’s the workout of choice especially in those places where access to nature just isn’t as easy to comeby. But what if the gym could make you sick? Really, really sick? According to a recent article in the
Continue reading …Photo: malias Not even the teachers are exempt from St. Paul’s new “sweet-free” zoning. In fact, even the school principal is having to learn that rewards for a job well done can no longer include a candy bar because all the public schools in the St. Paul school district are to be declared free of all sweets by the end of the year. … Read the full story on TreeHugger
Continue reading …New research suggests that many complementary and alternative remedies can have significant — even fatal — side effects in children.
Continue reading …A study shows that family stress — especially stress involving spouses and children — may be linked to angina pain.
Continue reading …What do the worst allergy cities have in common? What makes a city good for people with allergies? Unfortunately, there are no easy answers. But allergy experts tell WebMD there are key factors to look for.
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