The FDA and CDC are investigating reports linking febrile seizure in infants to the Sanofi Fluzone flu vaccine.
Continue reading …U.S. Surgeon General Regina Benjamin, MD, announced a ”call to action” to support breastfeeding, asking families, communities, health care systems, and employers to make breastfeeding easier for mothers who wish to do so.
Continue reading …It’s never easy to quit smoking. But research shows that medications and nicotine replacement therapies can double the chances that a smoker will successfully quit.
Continue reading …Get the facts from WebMD about the meningitis vaccination and its benefits and risks.
Continue reading …Here are 10 common daily side effects of smoking that often create the incentive to quit.
Continue reading …What makes you crave a cigarette? Is it a cup of coffee? A drink? Talking on the phone? To quit smoking forever, it’s important to identify your smoking triggers.
Continue reading …When you quit smoking, nicotine withdrawal can make you feel jittery and nervous. Here are 10 ways to reduce stress while you quit smoking.
Continue reading …The U.S. House of Representatives has voted to repeal the health reform law.
Continue reading …A supplement containing vitamin E and essential fatty acids may help reduce symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), a study shows.
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