Sorry libs. Sarah Palin stood by her correct narrative of Paul Revere’s ride(s) today on FOX News Sunday. For those of you maybe aren’t familiar with the story, Paul Revere warned the American militias and the British troops during his … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 05/06/2011 16:40 Number of articles : 3
Continue reading …Not sure what to do if a random chance to go on a date falls in your lap? This instructional dating video from 1949 will tell you! Gee, it used to be swell how teenagers got voiceover films explaining all the problems in their lives out for them. Now no one tells those rascals anything Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Flavorwire Discovery Date : 05/06/2011 04:01 Number of articles : 3
Continue reading …Last night I was out and facing south, and happened to notice the familiar stars of Scorpius poking through the trees. To me that’s always a sign that summer is here… and the Milky Way is coming back. Randy Halverson (who created the magnificent Sub Zero and Orion time lapse videos) had the same idea, and made yet another incredible video of our galactic urban center from his home on the plains of… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Bad Astronomy Discovery Date : 03/06/2011 18:30 Number of articles : 3
Continue reading …Last night I was out and facing south, and happened to notice the familiar stars of Scorpius poking through the trees. To me that’s always a sign that summer is here… and the Milky Way is coming back. Randy Halverson (who created the magnificent Sub Zero and Orion time lapse videos) had the same idea, and made yet another incredible video of our galactic urban center from his home on the plains of… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Bad Astronomy Discovery Date : 03/06/2011 18:30 Number of articles : 3
Continue reading …Josh Owens created a beautiful time-lapse video of Manhattan In Motion. via Dav Yaginuma Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Laughing Squid Discovery Date : 03/06/2011 18:26 Number of articles : 4
Continue reading …Josh Owens created a beautiful time-lapse video of Manhattan In Motion. via Dav Yaginuma Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Laughing Squid Discovery Date : 03/06/2011 18:26 Number of articles : 4
Continue reading …In a video released today Al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn encourages terrorists to use American gun shows to arm themselves for potential Mumbai-style attacks . Gadahn’s video laid out a new tactic for Al Qaeda to continue their murderous terrorist agenda : America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms. You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Media Matters for America Discovery Date : 04/06/2011 01:24 Number of articles : 3
Continue reading …Congressman Joe Walsh (R-IL), sponsor of the House Balanced Budget Amendment bill, is drawing a line in the sand and refusing to raise the debt limit. He has sent out another video message to Obama evincing his unequivocal rejection of Tim Geithner’s fallacious fear-mongering . As some members of leadership go wobbly on the Balanced Budget Amendment, we must remind them why they obtained their leadership… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Red State Discovery Date : 03/06/2011 16:14 Number of articles : 3
Continue reading …Yesterday, during a speech before the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference in Washington DC, potential presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) recounted her unsuccessful efforts to pass a constitutional amendment outlawing same-sex marriage as a state legislator and praised Minnesota’s current lawmakers for taking “that torch” and adding the issue to the 2012 ballot. Bachmann Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Think Progress Discovery Date : 04/06/2011 17:27 Number of articles : 3
Continue reading …Yesterday, during a speech before the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference in Washington DC, potential presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) recounted her unsuccessful efforts to pass a constitutional amendment outlawing same-sex marriage as a state legislator and praised Minnesota’s current lawmakers for taking “that torch” and adding the issue to the 2012 ballot. Bachmann Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Think Progress Discovery Date : 04/06/2011 17:27 Number of articles : 3
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