Google Maps has done it again with an update that further aims to ease the pain of your daily commute. The latest version of Maps for Android now features live transit updates to keep you abreast of any delays that might be holding up your public transportation. The update won’t change the way you use Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Phone Fans Discovery Date : 08/06/2011 16:00 Number of articles : 5
Continue reading …Nothing be class… Far left union-supporting thugs disrupted a Special Olympics Ceremony in Wisconsin today. They came dressed as zombies and disrupted Governor Scott Walker’s speech. The MacIver Institute reported: Hat Tip Tim Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 08/06/2011 23:36 Number of articles : 5
Continue reading …One of the best parts of the iPad 2 is the colorful, magical smart cover that comes as a peripheral. Lift the cover and your iPad turns on, drop it and it goes to sleep. It’s kind of addictive. But what if someone actually built an app around that fidgety behavior? Well, Evernote just did. It’s called Evernote Peek , a free app for the iPad 2 that is designed around the smart cover. It is the first… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : TechCrunch Discovery Date : 08/06/2011 19:35 Number of articles : 5
Continue reading …One of the best parts of the iPad 2 is the colorful, magical smart cover that comes as a peripheral. Lift the cover and your iPad turns on, drop it and it goes to sleep. It’s kind of addictive. But what if someone actually built an app around that fidgety behavior? Well, Evernote just did. It’s called Evernote Peek , a free app for the iPad 2 that is designed around the smart cover. It is the first… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : TechCrunch Discovery Date : 08/06/2011 19:35 Number of articles : 5
Continue reading …One of the best parts of the iPad 2 is the colorful, magical smart cover that comes as a peripheral. Lift the cover and your iPad turns on, drop it and it goes to sleep. It’s kind of addictive. But what if someone actually built an app around that fidgety behavior? Well, Evernote just did. It’s called Evernote Peek , a free app for the iPad 2 that is designed around the smart cover. It is the first… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : TechCrunch Discovery Date : 08/06/2011 19:35 Number of articles : 5
Continue reading …One of the best parts of the iPad 2 is the colorful, magical smart cover that comes as a peripheral. Lift the cover and your iPad turns on, drop it and it goes to sleep. It’s kind of addictive. But what if someone actually built an app around that fidgety behavior? Well, Evernote just did. It’s called Evernote Peek , a free app for the iPad 2 that is designed around the smart cover. It is the first… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : TechCrunch Discovery Date : 08/06/2011 19:35 Number of articles : 5
Continue reading …Miami Police shot up a vehicle and its occupant in the middle of a crowded neighborhood last Memorial Day weekend because they thought the driver was armed. Police chased Raymond Herisse to a stretch of Collins Street at 4 a.m., where more than a dozen officers unloaded their clips into Herisse’s parked car (and Herisse). However, it’s what Miami PD did after shooting Herisse that’s got the department… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Reason Magazine – Hit & Run Discovery Date : 07/06/2011 18:15 Number of articles : 5
Continue reading …Armed with dual analog sticks, front- and rear-mounted cameras, a multi-touch backing, 5-inch OLED touchscreen, sixaxis motion sensor, wifi, 3G (through AT&T, which sent a round of boos through the audience), and a slew of games designed to utilize its multiple control systems, the PS Vita is a packed-to-the-gills next-gen for the PS3. Retail price Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : [Geeks are Sexy] Discovery Date : 07/06/2011 14:18 Number of articles : 5
Continue reading …Tonight, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 aired the first part of a three-part series called, “The Sissy Boy Experiment,” examining the effects of government-funded gender-normalizing therapy on a five-year old boy named Kirk Murphy in 1970. The therapy was carried out by disgraced Family Research Council co-founder George Rekers, whose three decade career in the conservative Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Think Progress Discovery Date : 08/06/2011 05:42 Number of articles : 5
Continue reading …Delta Airlines was caught this week charging troops returning from Afghanistan an extra $200 each to bring a fourth bag home, forcing one unit to pay more than $2800 in baggage fees. Evidently, Delta’s policy is to allow troops only three free checked bags, while the soldiers said that their military orders allow them to Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Think Progress Discovery Date : 08/06/2011 04:00 Number of articles : 4
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