Thursday’s New York Times headline on Pakistani disappearances and U.S. disapproval is just a bit too much to take. Difficult to believe that the Times could publish it with a straight face. “Disappeared with reported ties to Pakistan worries U.S.” WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is expressing alarm over reports that thousands of political separatists and captured Taliban insurgents have disappeared into the hands of Pakistan’s police and security forces, and that some may have been tortured or killed. According to the Times, many of those who have vanished have nothing to do with the Taliban, but are Baluchis, a restive people in Pakistan long intent on forming an independent state. Equally alarming, the Pakistani authorities are refusing to admit any knowledge about most of the cases. The matter has become so grave that the U.S. military is now actually refusing to train Pakistani military units that have been involved in torturing and killing detainees.