Christine O’Donnell Under Investigation for Spending Donations on Herself

Filed under: News,Politics |

Christine O’Donnell raised a record $7.3 million in her 2010 bid to represent Delaware in the Senate, but allegations about how she spent that money and funds from previous campaigns have led to a criminal investigation by federal prosecutors and the FBI. O’Donnell, whose rocky financial history was widely reported during the campaign, has been accused of spending campaign donations on personal expenses, including her rent, which, if true, is in direct violation of federal law. According to AP, the financial oversight of O’Donnell’s campaign left something to be desired. Consider that an operation as unstable as the one described below was tasked with accounting for $7.3 million.

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Posted by on December 29, 2010. Filed under News, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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