Click here to view this media Tom Brokaw repeats the right wing talking point on Meet the Press this morning that somehow President Obama just hasn’t paid enough attention to business leaders in the United States. Brokaw wonders if that’s the lesson that is going to be taken from the mid-term elections and if Obama will now start paying attention to their ideas on how to change the economy. I don’t know what planet Brokaw is living on if he thinks President Obama hasn’t already shown way too much deference to big business. And those businesses are not creating jobs in America as Robert Reich pointed out this week in his column in the Huffington Post. Apparently Reich feels the same way I do, that Obama has already been more than friendly to big businesses regardless of what hacks like Brokaw would have us believe. The Year Washington Became “Business Friendly” : History will record 2010 as the year Washington became “business friendly.” Not that it was all that unfriendly before. Some would say the bailouts of Wall Street, AIG, GM, and Chrysler were about as friendly as it can get. In addition, Washington gave windfalls to drug companies and health insurers in the new health bill, subsidies to energy companies in the stimulus package, and billions to domestic and military contractors. But for corporate America it still wasn’t friendly enough. Before the midterm elections, Verizon CEO and Business Roundtable chair Ivan Seidenberg accused the president of creating a hostile environment for investment and job-creation. In the midterms, business leaders overwhelmingly threw their support to Republicans. So the White House caved in on the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, and is telling CEOs it will be on their side from now on. As the president recently told a group of CEOs, the choice “is not between Democrats and Republicans. It’s between America and our competitors around the world. We can win the competition.” There’s only one problem. America’s big businesses are less and less American. They’re going abroad for sales and employees. That’s one reason they’ve showed record-breaking profits in 2010 while creating almost no American jobs….
Read this article:
Tom Brokaw Pretends President Obama Hasn’t Spent the Last Two Years Working with Business Leaders