Even as the public grew increasingly disenchanted with Washington's full-throated liberal policies in 2010, the media elite's partisanship remained on full display. The Media Research Center's Best Notable Quotables of 2010 captured the highlights, as journalists continued to blame America's misfortunes on George W. Bush, even as they also insisted that Barack Obama deserved more credit for his amazing accomplishments. In the MRC's ” They Don't Miss Him Yet Award for Still Bashing Bush ,” Time's Joe Klein took the prize for insisting that the April 2010 Gulf oil spill was really Bush's fault: “This is more Bush’s second Katrina than Obama’s first,” Klein lamely insisted on The Chris Matthews Show. Klein made his crack on May 30, nearly 500 days after Bush left the Oval Office. read more
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Best Notable Quotables of 2010: Demanding Respect for Obama While Still Bashing Bush