Anchor Brian Williams led Tuesday's NBC Nightly News with a new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation about the rising cost of health care, direly proclaiming: “We're going to begin tonight with a crippling trend in America that simply cannot go on without taking entire families with it.” Missing from the coverage was any mention of ObamaCare contributing to the increased costs. In the report that followed, correspondent John Yang detailed how the new study, “says premiums for family coverage now average more than $15,000 a year, that's a 9% jump from 2010 and triple the rate of the previous's years increase.” A sound bite of Kaiser CEO Drew Altman was included: “This is really the first time in as long as I can remember when we've seen a big jump in premiums at a time when wages are actually, not only flat, but actually losing ground.” Concluding the segment, Yang asserted: “The authors of this study say it's too early to tell whether this big premium jump is a one-time thing or the start of a new trend. They also say it's too early to tell what'll happen in 2014, which is when the key elements of President Obama's health care reform take effect.” In reality, Altman actually acknowledged that provisions in ObamaCare were responsible for 1 to 2% of the 9% increase. He specifically explained: “That reflects the costs of providing prevention benefits without cost-sharing….It reflects the costs of covering young adults up to 26 years of age under their parents' policies. Those are also very popular benefits, according to our tracking polls.” NBC chose not to include that information in its reporting. The ABC and CBS evening newscasts on Tuesday only included news briefs on the new study. World News anchor Diane Sawyer announced: “And we have a startling new number out today, showing how much more Americans are paying for health insurance.” Evening News anchor Scott Pelley declared: “While the value of homes has been falling, the cost of health care has been rising.” Neither made any reference to the role ObamaCare played. [ Keeping the liberal media in check is hard work. Support NewsBusters by helping us reach our $5,000 fundraising goal. We're already more than halfway there ! To show our appreciation, we'll send you fun items like "I Don't Believe the Liberal Media" buttons and bumber stickers, or a Chris Matthews floormat. Donate now .]
Anchor Brian Williams led Tuesday's NBC Nightly News with a new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation about the rising cost of health care, direly proclaiming: “We're going to begin tonight with a crippling trend in America that simply cannot go on without taking entire families with it.” Missing from the coverage was any mention of ObamaCare contributing to the increased costs. In the report that followed, correspondent John Yang detailed how the new study, “says premiums for family coverage now average more than $15,000 a year, that's a 9% jump from 2010 and triple the rate of the previous's years increase.” A sound bite of Kaiser CEO Drew Altman was included: “This is really the first time in as long as I can remember when we've seen a big jump in premiums at a time when wages are actually, not only flat, but actually losing ground.” Concluding the segment, Yang asserted: “The authors of this study say it's too early to tell whether this big premium jump is a one-time thing or the start of a new trend. They also say it's too early to tell what'll happen in 2014, which is when the key elements of President Obama's health care reform take effect.” In reality, Altman actually acknowledged that provisions in ObamaCare were responsible for 1 to 2% of the 9% increase. He specifically explained: “That reflects the costs of providing prevention benefits without cost-sharing….It reflects the costs of covering young adults up to 26 years of age under their parents' policies. Those are also very popular benefits, according to our tracking polls.” NBC chose not to include that information in its reporting. The ABC and CBS evening newscasts on Tuesday only included news briefs on the new study. World News anchor Diane Sawyer announced: “And we have a startling new number out today, showing how much more Americans are paying for health insurance.” Evening News anchor Scott Pelley declared: “While the value of homes has been falling, the cost of health care has been rising.” Neither made any reference to the role ObamaCare played. [ Keeping the liberal media in check is hard work. Support NewsBusters by helping us reach our $5,000 fundraising goal. We're already more than halfway there ! To show our appreciation, we'll send you fun items like "I Don't Believe the Liberal Media" buttons and bumber stickers, or a Chris Matthews floormat. Donate now .]