Wednesday's Times contained an interview with actor Alec Baldwin about his political ambitions, and naturally, reporter Sarah Maslin Nir — whose regular job is a night-life “Nocturnalist” blogger — as too star-struck to suggest Baldwin's one of those ultraliberal actor/political dilettantes who primps about running for Mayor. She never described him as a liberal at all. Baldwin was clearly happy with the profile, since he Twitter-smooched her after it was published: “Ah, there's nothing like a young reporter yearning for truth”. She tweeted back, “thanks! Nothing like a newsmaker being frank with the press. Much appreciated.” There wasn't much embarrassing about Baldwin to talk about. She mentioned the bitter divorce with Kim Basinger and Baldwin calling his daughter a “pig,” but that's old news. She mentioned that Baldwin supported Anthony Weiner for a while, since “sex scandals mean nothing to me,” but she didn't note that Baldwin puffed Weiner on The Huffington Post as a high-functioning “modern human being” as he sent crotch pictures on Twitter. The Times completely ignored all of Baldwin's wacky editorializing for the Huff-Post about Dick Cheney being a terrorist he'd like to kill. In 2006, he wrote “Cheney is a terrorist. he terrorizes our enemies abroad and innocent citizens here at home indiscriminately.” When he was attacked for these remarks, he apologized insincerely: “How about something more measured, then? How about…a lying, thieving Oil Whore. Or, a murderer of the U.S. Constitution?” Clearly, if he ever runs for office, Baldwin's campaign ads ought to be doozies. On the Fourth of July in 2006, he cooked up a double-murder fantasy. After dispatching Osama bin Laden with a box-cutter and hurling his corpse off a high balcony, “in the final stroke of luck,