Frank Schaeffer has gaudily departed from the evangelical Christian family he was raised in, and how writes hair-on-fire articles about the dangers of the radical religious right. Last week, we found him warning on MSNBC of how Michele Bachmann represents a “theocracy in waiting” from people “who actually hate the United States as it is.” Unsurprisingly, The Washington Post thinks Schaeffer’s new book Sex, Mom & God deserved a rave review in the Sunday paper, and went to find author Jane Smiley, who once wrote that Ann Coulter’s parents should be ashamed of themselves and that “Americans aren't nice or decent people, and conservative, overtly patriotic Americans are even less decent and less nice.” The Post is probably not unaware of Smiley’s cozy fondness for “Frank,” as she calls him in her review. On the Huffington Post, Schaeffer thanked her for a “lovely long piece” in The Nation hailing his previous my-Christian-family-was-nuts memoir “Crazy for God” back in 2007.