enlarge On this 4th of July weekend, I wanted to remind everyone to pause for a moment, put down those Cokes, and join with those other Kochs in reciting our sacred psalm of patriots. So please rise. Hand over heart. Ready. Begin: I pledge allegiance To the Bathtub Of the United Slates of Norquist. And to the Republicans, For which it scams, One Corporation, Under Fraud With Liberty & Tax Cuts for All…. corporate jet-owning billionaires. Happy Birthday #235, Americorp, Inc.!
The Pledge of (GOP) Allegiance
enlarge On this 4th of July weekend, I wanted to remind everyone to pause for a moment, put down those Cokes, and join with those other Kochs in reciting our sacred psalm of patriots. So please rise. Hand over heart. Ready. Begin: I pledge allegiance To the Bathtub Of the United Slates of Norquist. And to the Republicans, For which it scams, One Corporation, Under Fraud With Liberty & Tax Cuts for All…. corporate jet-owning billionaires. Happy Birthday #235, Americorp, Inc.!
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The Pledge of (GOP) Allegiance