Whatever happened to the notion that you were not entitled to your own facts ? [I]t appears that [Michele Bachmann's] supporters have altered Wikipedia to make it appear that John Quincy Adams was a Founding Father, even though he was only a child when his father John Adams, America’s second President, signed the Declaration of Independence. Michelle Bachmann also misspoke yesterday, saying that John Wayne was born in Waterloo, Indiana, when in reality John Wayne [Gacy] the serial killer was born in Waterloo, Indiana. The Wikipedia page for John Wayne was also changed to make his birthplace Waterloo, Indiana, even thought John Wayne was born in Winterset, Indiana. Sigh. The authoritarian cognitive dissonance that would rather vandalize an online encyclopedia rather than admit that Bachmann’s grasp on American History is lacking is frightening. But what is more frightening is that someone can make these kind of stupid mistakes, double down on them and then still be considered a “serious” candidate and not laughed off the field.
Bachmann Fans Alter Wikipedia To Fit Michele’s "Facts"