Brit Hume says Michele Bachmann gaffes like ‘John Wayne Gacy’ can doom her campaign

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Click here to view this media Michele Bachmann has Ed Rollins as one of her political gurus, so you’d think by now her infamous gaffes and ridiculous statements would have started to calm down. Well, as we’ve seen with her theory that John Quincy Adams was a Founding Father and that she had the spirit of an Iowa serial killer named John Wayne Gacy — this is a problem that isn’t going away soon. Oh, by the way, since Michele refuses to admit she made a mistake on Adams… John Quincy Adams was eight years old when the Declaration of Independence was written. …her Tea Party minions are editing Wikipedia to make him into an actual founding father . Anyway, calls of the angry librul press victimizing her are ringing out by the RWNM to defend her from her own words and actions. You know, actions like businesses that she’s involved with which are accepting a ton of cash from the government. But it’s not only the press or left-wing blogs who are highlighting her troubling behavior. As Chris Wallace said, FOX gives news from the other side of the story , and Brit Hume was on The O’Reilly Factor with Juan Williams hosting the other night and said that Michele Bachmann’s weird Gacy-type statements will make independent voters very uncomfortable. WILLIAMS: …. And she seemed to try and downplay the kind of extreme language she was using in the past where she was talking about President Obama running a gangsta government or being anti-American, she’s being all, I might not put it that way now, so if she gets by some of these stumbles, if she tries to modulate her personality Brit, will that help? HUME: Yes it would. Over the weekend, perhaps unfairly, she’s vulnerable to — she said over the weekend in more than one place, I believe, that Waterloo, Iowa, where she was born and where she made her announcement today, was also the place where John Wayne came from. Well, John Wayne didn’t come from Waterloo, Iowa, he never lived in Waterloo Iowa, his parent were there briefly… There is somebody with a similar sounding name though that did live in Waterloo, John Wayne Gacy, the serial killer.. Now this was not an important declaration on her part. It’s a mistake that normal people make, but it is the kind of thing on the campaign trail can be very damaging… WILLIAMS: And she’s susceptible to it. HUME: I think she’s vulnerable to it and that may not be fair, but I think that’s how it is and I think that’s the thing she struggles against and might make her vulnerable among independents. Wow, when have you ever heard something like that so early in the process? It appears FOX are the ones nervous about her campaign and are trying to guide the Tea Party FOX viewers over to Mitt Romney’s corner because they almost never highlight conservative gaffes like that. Hume is correct, of course, because Sarah Palin has very high negatives with independents and MB shares her base of voters, but Brit Hume not backing her up this early in the game is an indication the GOP elites hope she doesn’t win the nomination. And I’m wondering: Will Laura Ingraham refer to Brit Hume as part of the Republican elitists who are against Michele Bachmann?

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Brit Hume says Michele Bachmann gaffes like ‘John Wayne Gacy’ can doom her campaign

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Posted by on June 29, 2011. Filed under News, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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