How Liberal is NPR? Post-GOP Debate Show Had Seven Liberal Calls and E-mails (and One GOP Leaner)

Filed under: Politics |

One reason NPR staffers seem to think their output is so fair and balanced and centrist? The NPR listeners. Listen to NPR talk shows, and see how badly the sample leans left. It was especially noticeable on Tuesday morning, after the Republican presidential debate. The Diane Rehm Show had a conservative on (Steve Hayes), and a lefty (Michael Tomasky) and two “mainstream” journalists. But the callers who came through were all leftists (expect the last one was neutral). Rehm began the show saying “I really want to hear your thoughts,” but it appears she wasn't talking to everyone in the audience. If you counted the e-mails Rehm read to the guests, the tally was seven questions from the left, one neutral, and one right-leaning — in an hour on the Republican debate. Maybe if they said only Republicans should call in, they'd have no callers? The most provocative caller was Barry from South Bend, Indiana, who insisted he had a friend die who lacked insurance on Debate Day, and could not believe how “hypocritical” Republicanswere to

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Posted by on June 18, 2011. Filed under Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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