Thom Hartmann, broadcasting from Netroots Nation 11, sat down with the United Steelworkers President Leo Gerard. The two discussed the need to have a buy American, build in America program to get Americans back to work again and how any efforts to do that ended up being stifled in the Senate during the first two years of Obama’s presidency. As they noted, Nancy Pelosi managed to get a lot of good bills passed in the House that would have put countless numbers of Americans to work, only to see them die a slow death in the Senate with filibuster after filibuster. And sadly as they pointed out, all that we’ve got coming out of the House now is one bill after the other demanding more tax cuts for the rich. Gerard expressed his hopes that Republicans get wiped out in the House the next election and said he’s going to do all he can to see that that happens. If the Democrats wise up and adopt his rhetoric on protectionism meaning protecting American jobs, perhaps they will.
Thom Hartmann and Leo Gerard at Netroots Nation on Making Goods in America Again