Wednesday was Meredith Vieira's final day as co-host of NBC's Today. Since joining the broadcast in September 2006, she has brought staunch liberal advocacy to the morning news program, following the model of her predecessor, Katie Couric. News reader Ann Curry will take over as Matt Lauer's co-host, maintaining the broadcast's left-leaning perspective. The Media Research Center has compiled Profiles in Bias on both Curry and Vieira, highlighting some of their most biased moments on Today. From Curry praising left-wing journalist Helen Thomas as her “mentor,” to Vieira urging “rock star” Barack Obama to run for president, the two NBC hosts read from the same slanted script. Below are some samples of Curry climbing the liberal ladder on the morning show and Vieira consistently waking up of the left side of the bed during her tenure: Curry 'Inspired' by Longtime Lib Helen Thomas Curry, on the October 6, 2009 Today show, called longtime liberal White House correspondent Helen Thomas her “inspiration.” As part of an ongoing series “Today's Mentors and Inspirations,” she visited the former UPI reporter and current Hearst columnist in Washington and offered a bouquet of a profile to her hero as, over video of Thomas challenging former presidents Curry gushed: