MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Monday excoriated the Tea Party as full of “hate,” using the term 10 times in less than two minutes. Comparing the alliance between the Republican Party and the Tea Party to a union, he mocked, “Why would anyone marry for hate rather than love?” The Hardball host derided, ” …The marriage between the Republicans and the Tea Party is based on hatred, hatred of government, hatred of the Democrats, hatred of Barack Obama. ” In one minute and 57 seconds, Matthews used the word “hate or “hatred” ten times. [Video to appear shortly] He summarized the lack of support for some GOP presidential candidates as being “Republicans [who] will not say what the Tea Parties live for, the hatred of government, of the Democrats, of President Obama.” Of course, many liberals and Democrats worked up a pretty good hatred for George W. Bush. But, perhaps Matthews has forgotten that. A transcript of Matthews' May 16 commentary can be found below: 5:58 CHRIS MATTHEWS: Let me finish tonight with the disastrous marriage of the Republicans and the Tea Party. Would anyone marry for hate rather than love? It's a hell of a question, isn't it? Terrible question. Why would you even ask it?