There’s just something about the Palins that sets some people off : According to the [criminal complaint filed in Dane County Circuit Court], [Steven N. Cowan, 66] and his wife were watching “Dancing with the Stars” when Cowan jumped up and swore as Bristol Palin appeared, saying something about “the (expletive) politics.” Cowan was upset that a political figure’s daughter was on the show when he didn’t think she was a good dancer, the complaint states…. Cowan went upstairs for about 20 minutes and returned, demanding his pistols, which had been taken by his daughter about a month ago for safety reasons. He was carrying a single-shot shotgun, which he loaded and fired into the television… I’m sure there’s a bunch of folks out there who are quite perturbed that Bristol continues to survive on Dancing With the Stars . Without question there’s a group of Sarah Palin fans who are voting each week to keep her on the show because let’s face it, she’s not a great dancer, at least from what little I’ve seen.