Higgs Bosound – Narkotix Higgs Bosound – Dark Matter Higgs Bosound – Anti Neutrino Rumor from LHC, CERN: Higgs Boson Detection at ATLAS, CERN Rumor mills in the particle physics community are buzzing with the supposed discovery of the Higgs boson, the ‘God Particle’, at ATLAS, LHC, CERN. ACravan: “God Particle”, Pt. 2 ( Higgs Boson) The Higgs boson is predicted to exist by prevailing particle-physics theory, which is known as the Standard Model. Physicists think the Higgs bestows mass on all the other particles — but they have yet to confirm its existence. … Jigging for the Higgs « CEPHALOBLOG A little piece of leaked data from the ATLAS project at the Large Hadron Collider is likely just an anomaly or possibly a hoax, but it just might be the first evidence of the “God particle” – the elusive Higgs Boson. More from Wired – … BAC staff have denied the news about the “capture” of the Higgs … BAC staff have denied the news about the “capture” of the Higgs boson: The official representative of the collaboration ATLAS – one of the detectors of the Large Hadron Collider – has denied rumors appeared on the network that … LEAK SUGGESTS CERN HAS DISCOVERED THE HIGGS BOSON – CHUCKMAN'S … LEAK SUGGESTS CERN HAS DISCOVERED THE HIGGS BOSON. POSTED RESPONSE TO A COLUMN BY RICHARD GRAY IN THE TELEGRAPH Here is the world’s genuinely important news. Politicians’ blubbering, Royal weddings, the Pope’s silly words – all reported … TheDurtReynolds says: RT @EddieSpaghettii : @joerogan Rumor Sweeping World's Science Community that CERN's LHC has Detected the Higgs Boson -The “God Particle” http://t.co/4Py6AFD”