Let’s Play Quiver Part 2 – HERE COMES QUIVER AGAIN – The Mikel RUSSIA NOT HAPPY AT AMERICAN DRONES CALLS FOR INTER22 /4/11 Big Breaking News: Jim Tucker – Kissinger Calls For US Ground Invasion Of Libya & $7 Gallon Gas! 2/2 US drones kill 25 in Pakistan — RT US drones fired missiles into an alleged militant region along the Afghan border killing 25. The strike followed recent remarks by Pakistan’s army chief who denounced such tactics. . Escalation: U.S. Sending Predator Drones To Libya After stepping back several weeks ago, the U.S. is about to get more involved in the conflict in Libya: President Obama has approved the use of armed. AMERICAblog News: Obama approves missile drones in Libya News and opinion about US politics from a liberal/Democratic/progressive perspective. Why Drones in Libya Are Drawing Cries of 'Mission Creep' – Global … The criticism comes as Admiral Mike Mullen warns of an impending stalemate. Reason Morning Links: Drones Over Libya, Ensign Pullout … The White House approves the use of drone strikes in Libya. John Ensign resigns from the Senate. BP sues Halliburton. The lobbyists have a lobbyist. Coming. macklamm says: RT @STWuk : Are the Nobel Peace drones Obama drops on #Pakistan and #Libya creating more anti-American “militants”? http://bit.ly/gP32XT