A Major Earthquake in North America Imminent? The Buster Americana Show – 03/18/2011 Promo Earthquake Predicted for California This Saturday Jim Berkland FOX with Neil Cavuto Earthquakes and Jim Berkland « SwittersB & Fly Fishing I listened to Jim Berkland this past week as he discussed the oddities of animal behavior, full moons and high tides. These were the primary indicators that caused Berkland to predict an earthquake of some magnitude this week, … Planet X, Hercolubus or Nibiru.: Hercolubus (Planet X) Breaking … Earthquake forecaster Jim Berkland warns of a ‘high risk’ seismic window and potential for a massive quake poised to strike somewhere in North America in between the dates of March 19th and 26th. Berkland points to the recent mass fish … Preparing for “The Big One” Jim Berkland is a Scientist with a long list of qualifications who is shaking up the web by predicting a large earthquake in California in the next 7 days. He has an 80% success rate using his methods. His qualifications include: … Natural Health Home Remedies: Seismic Window Opens Former USGS Geologist Jim Berkland is predicting a major earthquake in California this month. The window starts on Saturday and we are only one day away. The term ‘seismic window’ has been used by Berkland since the 1970s. … A EARTHQUAKE in USA this week, warning from Russian Institute of … Jim Berkland is a former USGS geologist who, unlike seismologists and the USGS, believes he can predict when an earthquake will occur. Berkland’s track record, Berkland predicted the 1989 World Series Earthquake. … randy_clark says: RT @DanceMillennium : Earthquake Prediction 2011 Jim Berkland – A Major Earthquake in North America Imminent: http://t.co/jHGr3n6